The argument

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Skid, Pump, and Nightmare where at the store and are getting cheese when Nightmare asked something very important, "What kind of cheese y'all want?" Skid jumped up, "Swish!" Pump then jumped up, "No shredded!" Skid then got mad, "Swish!!" Pump also got mad, "Shredded!!" That then started arguing about it, "SWISH!!" "SHREDDED!!" "SWISH!!!!" "SHREDDED!!!!" That this point everyone in the store is looking at them, they are screaming at the top of there lungs, "SWISH!!!!!!!" "SHREDDED!!!!!!!" "WHY WOULD YOU LIKE SHREDDED!?!?" "WHY WOULD YOU LIKE SWISH!?!?!?!?!?" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" They both scream at the top of there lungs. Nightmare is covering her horns and everyone else is covering there entire heads, afraid that the building will collapse from all the screaming. Nightmare quickly decided to grab both cheeses and rush Skid and Pump out of the store.

They dropped Pump off at his abandoned home and then got back to Skid's and Nightmare's home, and Skid ran straight to they're room. Nightmare just sighed and sat down on the bed in her room.

-Time skip to midnight.-

Skid's POV:

I wake up in a cold sweat. I had a nightmare. I look around frantically till I remember, right Pump isn't here. I cry, he's usually the one to calm me down, but now they he's not here I more terrified then ever. I cry and hid under the blankets.

Pump's POV:

I'm cold. I have no cuddles. I want Skid, but so yelled at him. Why did I do that!? So what is he like swish more!? We could have just gotten both if we could not decide! We had enough money to! "Skid!" I cry.

3rd person:

Skid leave him room and runs outside, he gets to Pump's abandoned house. He texts him, "Open your window." Pump gets it and opens his window, "Skid!" Pump crys, "Pump!" They hug and apologize to each other over and over again and they kiss. They cuddled in Pump's old worn down bed and fall asleep, happy, that they are back in each other arms, and they promise each other to never to yell at each other like that again.

-Awww I like this chapter.

-Word count: 363

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