Skid x Pump x bad reader

383 3 13

-They are 12 by the way. And this chapter is not to be taken seriously.

You are the prettiest/handsomest girl/boy in school which made you pretty stuck up, and of course you fall in love with Skid, and in fall in love with Skid you mean you fall in love with Skid's 20 dollars. You are only a kid but your already a gold digger. You only want peoples money, Skid had the most money in the school, which is not a lot only 20 dollars, but most kids don't even have one dollar, and because your a kid to you that's a lot. Now your trying to make him fall love with you, and you think it's working.

Skid's POV:

I think Y/n is trying to get me to love them, and I will amit, I do like them but I also like Pump, so I have to chose between my best spooky friend and the prettiest/handsomest girl/ boy in school. I sit and think, oh I know! I have a idea. I'll sat up cameras and I'll act interested in them to see how they act. Yeah I'm sure this will work.

Y/n's POV:

You hear a knock at the door, you go to answer it and see Skid. You greet each other and go to your room where you hang out. Skid also seems to be flirting with you, making your insides exited at the thought of the 20 dollars being yours. You get hungry and go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Skid's POV:

Ok I can set up the camera. I set the camera behind the TV. I hope they won't notice. They come back and we continue to play and talk, and I throw in some flirty comments, before long I have to go home. We say good night and I leave. I'm going to have a sleepover Pump house so I start heading there. Yeah I know but we don't always have sleepovers at my house.

Pump's POV:

What do I do! I really like Skid but I know he likes Y/n. I guess I'm going to lose the love of my life to the prettiest/handsomest girl/boy in school. I sit and cry, when all of a sudden I hear a knock at my door. I go to answer it, it's Skid, "Pump!" I put on a smile, "Skid!" We go to my room and hang out, he also seems to be a bit flirty but I don't let it get to me, I know he likes y/n, but I blushed like crazy, I pray he doesn't notice. I needed to go to the bathroom. "Hold on Skid, I need to use the bathroom." Skid he looks at me at me, "Ok" I leave to go to the bathroom.

Skid's POV:

Ok I can set up the camera. I set up the camera behind the night table. I hope he won't notice. I think back to how he acted when I flirted, it was so cute when he blushed like that. After a few minutes he comes back and we continue to play and talk, and before long it's bed time, I get my sleeping bag out and lay in it, we say good night, he falls asleep first, god he's so so cute, I starred him all night in till I fall asleep.

-Next day-

Pump's POV:

I wake up and see Skid siting on his sleeping bag, already awake. We hang out and talk, play video games, etc., but then he had to leave. We say are good byes and he leaves. I go back to my room and talk out loud but not to loud about Skid, how he's so sweet and nice, and how he's so pretty, gorgeous even. Boy I love him. 

Y/n's POV:

Your thinking out loud what you'll do once you got Skid's money, not knowing that there is a camera recording every word that you were saying. You where talking trash about Skid and Pump, and how they are dumb and honestly you where being a huge brat.


You heard a ring at the door and went to answer it, you sow Skid. You hung out for awhile and it was basically just like lest time. You had to then use the restroom, so you left the room.

Skid's POV:

Ok time to take the camera. I took the camera and hid it in my pocket, Y/n then return and and we hung out some more in till I needed to leave. We said good bye and on my way home I watched the recording. I heard every thing, and instead of going home I ran to Pump's house. I knocked on the door and Pump answered, I told him the whole story and he comforted me, I thanked him for being a true friend, because I know that he would never do anything to hurt me. After all we have been best spooky friends since pre-K. Before I left a grabbed the camera and I hid it in my pocket, and just hold the other camera in my hands. We said goodbye and I left, on the way I watched the recording, I teared up at all the nice things he said, it was so sweet, he does love me! Unlike Y/n who was only using me. Now I know exactly what to do.

-Next day-

Its Monday and I'm walking to school with Pump. I smile at him, now since Y/n is not one of my opinions, Pump makes my heart flutter even more, and I get bats in my stomach. We are almost at the school when Y/n pops out and try's to talk to me, I try to ignore them. We make it to school and we go to ourclass rooms.

Pump's POV:

After classes I am getting things out of my locker, and I walk out the front door to find  Skid waiting for me, he seems nerves for some reason. We start to walk home, when he suddenly stops and looks at me. "Skid what's wrong?" Skid looks at me, "W-Well...H-Hey P-Pump I-I h-have to t-tell y-you s-something..." Pump looked at Skid curiously, "What is it?" "W-Well.. I-I...." I put my hand on his shoulder, "Come on Skid you can tell me anything. After all we are best spooky friends." Skid takes a deep breath in and seems to calm down, he briefly smiles at me before trying again, "P-Pump I-I..." He breaths in, "I love you!" I'm shocked, I take a step back, "S-Skid I-I... w-wow I-I...I love you too." Skid smiles and hugs me, I lift his head up and was about to kiss him when all of a sudden Y/n runs over to us from behind a bush. I put Skid behind me, was she stalking us!? "What do you want!?" I was mad, especially after Skid told me about her/him trying to use him, "You can't love him! You have to love me!" I looked at Skid, my heart broke when I sow him scared, I turn back to Y/n with anger, "He can love who he wants! And he clearly does not love you! Gold digger!" Y/n got mad and ran at me, they might have hit me if not all of a sudden Nightmare came out of nowhere and hit them in the back of the head. She stayed silent and just dragged Y/n body's away. I will have to thank her later. I looked at Skid and he looked at me, I pick him up on to his feet, and he lend in, I held him close and we kissed, we stayed like that for 20 solid minutes, though it felt like a eternity, but I still wished it was for longer. We look at each other with love in are eyes and we walked home together, hand in hand, happily, together forever, and nothing in the entire world is going to change that. I look at him, gosh his so cute, I love him so so much, and I will always protect him, from the day we meet, to now, till the end of everything. "I love you Skid." He puts he's head on my shoulder, "I love you too Pump, I love you so so much." "I love so so much too." I kiss him again, this time a bit shorter, but it still felt like haven, god I love him, we continue to walk, but we did not look away from each other unless we are crossing the road or something, we made it to Skid's home and cuddled on his couch, his moms still at work and would not be back for a little while. We kissed and Skid snuggles in my chest, god his so cute, I love him so so much. He smiles at me and I smile back before we kiss again. This was the happiest day of both of are lives.

-Holy this took a long time to write. Well here you go, hope you enjoyed it, because I think it came out pretty good.

Word count: 1565

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