Skid x Sick Pump

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Skid was making chicken noodle soup for Pump. Why? because Pump had gotten sick. His nose and cheeks are red and puffy. He's sneezing and coughing and is weak. Pump's sister had called Skid because Pump was whimpering his name. So now he's here. In Pump's kitchen making soup.

"Puuuump!~ Heres your soup!~" he gently puts Pump's soup on his night table, "Feels better love.~" "Thanks Skid. You are so nice." "Hehe!~ It's no problem Pump.~ I love you! I want to kiss you!~" "Oh I love you too but I wouldn't kiss me. I don't want to get you sick too." Skid frowns, "I don't care. I want to cuddle and stuff." "I know but I don't want you to feel bad...." "Pleeeeeeeeewaase?" "....Ok....but a quick one!" "Yes!!" Skid jumps on the bed and kisses him, "Ok. Now no more. I don't want you to get sick." "Awww....ok. I love you." "I love you too." Skid gets down, "So how are you feeling?" "Good. especially with you there." Skid blushes and smiles, "Awwwww.~" "Hehe!~ It's true." Pump says starting to eat the chicken soup, "Mm~ You did a good job on this." "Thanks. I made it with love.~" Pump chuckles, "Corny. Hehe!~" "Hehe!~ anyways eat up. When it's hot." "Yeah yeah. I got it." Pumo said has he finished it. Skid smiles. "Feel better." "I will Skid. Soon. Then we can get back to spooky month." they both smile at each other sweetly, "I can't wait." Skid pulls up a chair and sits, "Get some rest. I'll be right here.

-Sorry I was gone for a while but I hope you enjoyed this.

-Word count: 279

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