Skid x Pump Secret admirer

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Skid walks out to the mail box as his mom ask him to get the mail. Skid got the mail and went back in side, he give the mail to his mom. "Thank you Skid." "No problem mom." Skid's mom looks through the mail and grabs one with a heart on it, "Hmmm, looks like this ones for you." She gives Skid the envelope, "Wait really? From who?" "I don't know. You better not be talking to any girls." Skid's mom joked. Skid looked at the letter as he walk to his room. It read, "Dear Skid, The way your hair flows down when you take off your mask, its beautiful, and your so adorable. P.S. I love you. Love- Secret admirer." Skid feel oddly creeped out, he has only show what his looks like with out his costume to his family and Pump, "Is this a stalker!? I mean the notes creepy but also oddly sweet... but I can't accept this I-I already like someone else..." Skid look for a return address but there was none, "Huh well that's o-ok I guess." Skid puts the latter to the side, grabs his phone and texts Pump.

Skiddy kitty!!💀: Hey Pump.

BFF Pump🎃: Skid!!

Skiddy Kitty💀: Hehe missed you too bud, but I have a question.

BFF Pump🎃: Yeah?

Skiddy Kitty💀: I got this note. I don't know who it is from and I don't know what to do with it.

BFF Pump🎃: ...What...?

Skiddy Kitty💀: Wait hold on.

BFF Pump🎃: Ok.

Skid looks at the hand writing on it, it looks familiar.

Skiddy Kitty💀: It looks familiar.

BFF Pump🎃: The letter?

Skiddy Kitty💀: No the hand writing.

BFF Pump🎃: Oh.

Skiddy Kitty💀: Anyway I'm not going to accept.

BFF Pump🎃: Understandable.

Skiddy Kitty💀: Well I'ma go, see you soon.

BFF Pump🎃: Ok.

Skid left not knowing he just left Pump with a broken heart.

-next day-

Skid got another letter and was just staring at it, he got a return address this time, but it's not what you would expect, it literally just said to leave the answer at the park. Skid opened the letter, "I love you more then the universe and everything in it, and I'll always love you. Love- secret admirer." Skid got up and wrote a letter, "I'm sorry but I like someone else." Skid then went to the park and sat the letter down on a bench. He then went home.

-With Pump-

"Oh what's wrong with me?" Pump is walking to the park, to see if Skid left a letter in return to his. He was not really expecting it, so when he sow it he was surprised. He took it and read it. He then felt his heart shatter in to a million peaces. He fell to his knees and softly cried, he was going to lose the love of life to another person. Pump felt like going home and never ever ever come back out, but that's impossible, so instead he just went back home to sleep the pain away.

-Next day-

Today's the day, Skid is going to do it, he going to confess. He runs to Pumps house, and sees him already walk to school. "Pump!!" Pump turns to Skid and Skid stops, Pump's eyes all puffy and red, along with his face, and his cleaning his nose. "Pump?" Pump looks at him, "What?" "W-What happened?" Skid reaches for Pump's hand but he pulls away, "L-Let's just go." "Ok." Skid and Pump get to school but before they go inside Skid asks something, "Pump do you hate me?" Pump looks at him, "W-What!? N-No! Never! No matter what! We're best spooky friends forever." "Then why are you mad at me? What did I do?" Pump is silent, "...Sorry...I'm just not having a good day. I'm not mad at you." Skid gives a warm reassuring smile, "Don't worry. I'm sure it'll get better." Pump smiles back at Skid, "Yeah your probably right..." They walk in the school and talk on their way to they're class rooms, "So do you like somebody?" Skid asked, "Hm? I-Oh w-well.." Pump blushes, "N-Not that I can think of. Hehe...he..he." "O-Oh w-well I do." Pump looks at him with a forced smile, he already know but he didn't want Skid to know he was the one sending those notes, "Y-You d-do? W-Who is it?" "Hehe someone I know very well, hehe." "What?" Pump was going to ask what he means but they had already made it to their class rooms. They take their seats.

-Time skip brought to you by Nightmare destroying every thing while Skid and Pump just watch in Nightmare's forcefield.-

Pump was walking to his locker looking for Skid, when he sow a note on his locker. (By the way they are 11 not teens.) He read it, "Meet me by the tree near the front of the school." Pump goes to the front of the school and finds the tree. He sees Skid in his costume, "Maybe I should put my on too..." Pump takes out his costume form his backpack, they carry they're costumes around because they go on their adventures right after school, so they have to carry their costumes in their backpacks. Pump changes in to his costume, and walks up the Skid, "Hey Skid!" Skid turns around and faces Pump, "Hey Pump!" "What you want to talk to me about?" "Do you know how I said I like someone?" "Yeah?" "Well do you want to know who it is?" Pump look down, "Y-Yes." Skid looks confused on why Pump looks sad, but brushes it off, "I-It's you!" Pump looks up, "W-What?" "I-It's you. I love you." Pump's eyes light up, "You do!?" Skid smiles, "Yes!" Pump froze, he could believe it, and nether could he believe the next thing that happens, he kissed him, he kissed Skid, and it felt like haven, they stayed like that for 10 solid minutes. "I love you too. So so much." Pump said happily. Skid then whispers in his ear, "I know you were writing those letters." Pump eyes widened, "Y-You know!?" "Yes I do." "H-How!?" "I know your not hand writing Pump." "A-And your not freaked out?" "No." Skid lens in to Pump ear, "Write me more." Pump blushes, "I'ed love to." Skid and Pump kiss again, now knowing that they are together, together forever, and not anyone or any thing is going to change that.

-Awww sorry this took me a while.

-Word count: 1085

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