Hell beat Skid x Hell beat Pump

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"Skid! Skid! H-Hey! Where are you bud!?" Pump yells as he frantically looks around for his best friend and crush, "S-Skid!! Skid!" Pump starts to tear up, "Skid? Please..don't be gone...I need you.." Pump fall to his knees, his face in his hands and starts to weep. Just then he saw a light, he looked up to see a angel, "That's just the way of a demon. They are mean to everyone, even their own friends. He probably thinks your worthless, go cry yourself to sleep." They then disappear, leaving Pump in even more tears then before, "Skid. Please. Your my only friend. The only one I have. I love you." Just then Skid runs over, "Sorry! I tried coming as fast as I could as soon as I heard you- Pump... your crying." He falls to his knees next to his crying best friend and crush and immediately started wiping his tears, "Pump, what happened?" Pump turns and hugs him tightly whispering, "A angel, a angel, they told me you would never come back." Upon hearing those words, Skid feel his demon blood boil, "What!? What kind of angel does that!?" Pump shrugs and continues to cry softly. Skid sighs and pulls him close, rubbing his back, "Shhhh, Shhhhh, everything will be ok." Pump grabs Skid's shoulders and snuggles in his chest. Skid blushes, "P-Pump can I tell you something?" Pump looks up and nods, "Yeah sure you can tell me anything." Skid smiles a bit, "Well...I...I..love..you." Pump stars in shock, "Skid...I...I love you too." They both smile, "K-Kiss?" "Y-Yeah." They lean in and gently kiss, they then pull away, "I love you Skid." "I love you too my little haven."

-Done! I think this came out good.

-Word count: 290

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