Starcacher Skid x Starcacher Pump.

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"Isn't it beautiful?" Skid asks Pump, "Yeah. It is....but not as much as you...." "Huh?" "Nothing!" "Oh ok." Skid and Pump were looking at the stars together. Skid was smiling and having a good time and Pump....well....Pump was planning something today, something special, something that would change his life forever.

Skid was fixing both of his helos and turned to Pump, "Hey Pump." "Hm? Yeah, Skid?" "Do you ever wish you were an earthling?" "Huh? Uh.... I don't know....I never thought of it touch before...." "Oh....Well....I well....I wish I could see what's down there...." "Oh well....I wish I could take you but....I can't.." "Yeah. It's ok! I'm happy I'm not an earthling! You know why?" "Why?" "because if I were then I probably would have never met you!" Pump smiles, "Yeah. I'm happy to have met you too. I love yo- being your friend!" Skid smiles, "Yeah!" Pump is silent, thinking.

"Skid." "Yeah?" "I have to tell you something." "Ok? What is it?" Pumo takes a deep breath, "Ok. So we have been friends for a very long time now and there is something I want to tell you." Skid tilts his head in confusion, "Yeah?" "Skid you...." Skid wides his eyes in shock, "Pump." "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I know you don't like me back!" "No Pump. I-I....I love you too." Pump is shocked, "R-Really?" "Yeah!" Pump tears up and hugs him, "I love you! So much!" "I love you so much too." they laugh and smile and hug.

"You're my little star Skid!" Skid smiles, "Aww!~ Your my star too!!" "Hehe!~" They flout away happily, knowing they are each other forever.

-Hope you enjoyed this! And I hope you have a good day or night!!

-Word count: 309

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