Yandere Skid x Yandere Pump part 3

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For the past week nether Skid or Pump have not been leaving the other one alone. "I will only be gone for a minute, ok?" Pump said standing near the door. "Nooooooooooo!" Pump sighed, "Ok. Do you want to come with me?" "✨Yes!✨" pump chuckled, "Ok." They go to the store.

Skid is hugging Pumps arm and Pump is enjoying it. "I am honestly happy you came." "Hehe. I love you." " I love you more." "I killed for you." Skid whispered in Pump ear." "I also killed for you." Pump whispered back. "Yeah true." Skid and Pump up to a shop "Kiki fashion" "Oh there's the store I was looking for." Pump say pointing to it. "Ok I will wait here." "Aww 😢 Ok." Pump kinda did not want to leave him but he went in the store anyway and Skid waited for him to come out.

A girl then came up to Skid. "HEY!" "Hum? Can I help you?" Skid ask trying to be polite. "yeah! Stay away from him!" "I am sorry who?" "The one with the Pumpkin mask!" Skid looked confused, "Um... Sonora, he's my boyfriend." "Well break up, his mine!" Skid got kind of mad, but keeled his composer and he walks away and finds Pump.

Skid finds him looking around the boys section, "Hey Pump here's a girl that told me to brake up with you because your hers?" Pump looks up at him with a confused look, "What!? She can't do that she does not even know me!? Who even is she!?" "I don't know!" Pump thinks for a minute, "Hmmm...oh I know, hehehehe." Pump makes a sadistic smile, "Oh I know that face." Ski says starting to smile, "Care to join my lady?" Pump says as he holds out his hand, "Of course."Pump pulls out his pocket knife. Skid chuckles. Skid and Pump walk together to where the girl was and see her near the exit, waiting.

She then sow Pump. "Heyy~ Can I get your-" Girl then sow Skid. "Oh..." She looks mad, "Heyyyy so um.. I heard that uh you wanted me and him to break up because you like me? Really?" "Well uh.." "How about we talk about this on a nice walk." The girl seemed to perk up to that, "Ok!" They go on a walk.

When they got to a place where there was no one there, they attacked. "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" The girl managed to get up and run slow but still fast. "No she getting away!" Pump yelled, "Hey!" Skid ran after her, "Ahhhhhhh Hel-" The girl was cut of by some thing. Skid and Pump were silent, "What happend?" Skid asked. The girl had stoped running and talking mid sentence and was dripping blood. The girls body falls to the ground and reveals Nightmare in the distance, she had thrown the the knife. The knife looks like this 🔪. "Wow.. thanks Nightmare." Skid says, "Yeah thanks." "Your welcome." "It's getting late we should get home." Skid comments, "Right." Pump agrees, "Did anyone touch her, or were there cameras?" Nightmare asks, "No we left no evidence." "And we're kids no one would think it was us as much as they would think it was adults." Pump added on, "True, ok we can go." Nightmare allowed.

They went home and went to bed, it was a good and lucky day.

-I was board and no one was giving me suggestions so I did this, I hope you liked it.

Word count: 585

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