Neo Skid x Hellbeat Pump

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-Note: Neo Pump and hellbeat Skid reader doesn't exist or they never meet their Skid or Pump and are livening there own life with each other.

Neo Skid was walking alone in the woods, just humming to himself, when he heard crying. Skid, being the care person he is, walk over to were it was coming from and saw a little Pumpkin crying in to his hands. Skid walk over to them and sat down. The Pumpkin looked up from his hands and looked at Skid, his face looked like it had cracks in it or something, 'Cooool.' Skid thought. The Pumpkin seemed startled and jumped up, "Who are you!?" "Oh I'm Skid. I heard your crying and I just wanted to know whats wrong." The Pumpkin seemed to calm down and sat back down, "Um..Pump. Nice to meet you.." "Nice to meet you too." Skid smiles, "So..I heard your crying..are you ok?" Skid asked in a calm voice, "Huh? Oh...nothing.." "Are you sure? I know you don't really know me but it's good to tell someone." "Yeah I'm fine." "Ok." Skid said but he really wasn't sure he was, he was worried for the poor pumpkin.

Hellbeat Pump's POV:

Why does he have to be nice? Though I guess it did help a little. I look at him, his actually really cute, why do I feel me cheeks warm up? I mean I guess I won't quotation it. "Skiiiiiiiid!!Dinners ready!!" I heard some one yell from outside the woods, "Ok coming mom!!" I guess it was his mother, I wish I had a mother that loved me, "I'm sorry I have to go. But we can see each other again." I feel a wave of sadness wash over me when he said that, but I was also happy that I would be able to see him again, "Sure. Tomorrow?" "Tomorrow, same spot, morning." "Ok. See you then." The cute skeleton then got up a scampered away, leaving me feeling depressed but hopeful that would see him again.

-One week later.-

We have been seeing each other everyday, no matter what I would make sure I could see, just looking at him gives me hope, I told him that I was demon and why, and I figured out what I'm feeling towards him, it called love and I love him deeply, I want him all to my self, but I won't force him, even if those angels think other wise I am a good person that won't force him to love me, but I will still try to win him over.

Neo Skid's POV:

Yay! More time with Pump my best friend and also my crush. Finding him is the best thing I have ever done in my life!! I don't why the angels think he's bad, he's the nicest person I ever meet. He help me with homework, shared food with me, helped me against Roy and his gang that like to pick on and hurt me, helps me when I'm sad, is funny, fun, and I just love to spent time with him, he makes me so happy, I wish I were his and he mine, but I know that won't happen...I feel like crying now that I thought of that, but before I did I was snapped out of my thoughts by Pump, "Skid? Are you ok? Your zoning out." "Huh? O-Oh y-yeah, s-Sorry..." He smiles, "It's ok." I feel bad, how could I not pay attention to him? I look at him and hear him mumble, "He's getting bored of me. He probably thinks I'm terrible and deserve to be a demon." I gasp, "Pump! I would never!" I hugs him tightly, "Your amazing! And I don't see why they think you not a good person because you are!! You are amazing!!" As I say that Pump begins to blush heavily, "T-Thank y-you." I smile, "Of course. Happy to tell the truth anytime." Pump blushes even more. God I wish I could just tell him how I feel and kiss him, but I know it's just dream, though I'm still hopeful, "Hey Skid..." "Huh? Yes Pump?" Pump looks down, "I want to tell you something..." "What is it Pump? I promise whatever you tell me I won't judge." Pump looks up a bit, "Well I..I..I" When he said that I was shocked, he loved me? I was frozen, but I spoke up, "I love you too." "Really!?" "Yes!!" I jumped on him and hugged him tightly, "I love you more then everything in the world!!" He chuckled and kissed me, I kissed back, then we pulled away we stayed hugging in till dark and in till my mom called me for dinner, but even then I didn't want to part, so he walked me there but then we had to part, even though I didn't want to, we had to. I want in and eat my dinner, tomorrow I'm going to hang out with Pump the entire day, from dawn to dusk, I will spend all my time with him, because I love him, and will love him no matter what.

-End! I think this came out good. You?

-Word count: 881

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