Yandere Pump x Skid Part 2

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"Pump come on!" Skid yells from the door, "It's spooky month! What's taking you so long!?" Pump runs to the door, "S-Sorry! I just found a blood stain on my costume from...well...you know." Skid sighs, "Yeah I know. It's ok. Let's go." "Ok!" They walk out and greet Night as she falls from the sky, "Hey guys!" "Hey Night!" Skid and Pump say in unison, "Let's get spooky ice-cream!" Pump yells, "Good idea!" Skid says, "Yeah! Let's go!" They all run to the truck.

They bang on the door and the guy opens, "We want spooky ice-cream please!" Skid yells, "Ok here you go." The guy then hands them the spooky ice-creams that look like them, "Yay!" They then eat the ice-cream and pop out of existence and then pop back in to existence in front of a mall.

They run inside, "What kinda pizza ya'll want?" Nightmare asks, "Pepperoni!" "Cheese!" "Ok!" Nightmare gets a Pepperoni, cheese, and olives pizzas. She puts the three  pizzas on the table and they inhale them. That's when Nightmare needed the bathroom, "Hold on. I need to use the bathroom. Be back in a minute!" She then runs off to the restroom. Skid and Pump just sit there talking in till a girl walks up to them and taps on Pump's shoulder, "Hi. I think your handsome just wanted to say that. Ok bye!" He then runs off. Pump looks back at Skid to see him looking down, "Skid you ok?" Skid looks up, "Hm? Oh..yeah..I'm fine." Pump grabs his hand, "Did they upset you?" "Huh!? What!? How did you know!?" Pump shrugs, "Gut feeling I guess." Skid sighs, "I guess it's a stupid thing to get upset about..." Pump frowns, "Skid..." he hugs him, "It's fine." He kisses him softly, "Thanks." "No problem." Skid smiles, thinking that was the end of it, but Pump had another thing in the back of his mind. He wasn't going to let that girl get away with hurting Skid feelings, he was already plotting her death.

-Time skip.-

"Hold on I have to use the bathroom." Pump said, "Hm? Ok! We're be here!" Nightmare replied, "Just be quick! The malls closing soon!" "I will!" Pump said as he ran off.

At the restrooms him was getting out when he saw the girl looking for the exit, he walked up to her, "Hey you lost?" The look at him, blushed, and nodes, "I can help you get out, follow me." The girl follows Pump outside where no one is, "Thank you si-" the girl couldn't even finish her sentence before Pump stabbed her. Her blood going everywhere, Pump then disposes of her body and cleaned himself up and want back to Skid and Nightmare, "Hey I'm back!" Skid smiled, "Great then let's go!" They start heading back but on the way Nightmare whispered something in Pump's ear, "Good job on killing that girl." Pump eyes widen, "How do you know?" Nightmare smiles and says, "I have my ways." And that was the last of that conversation. Well...at lest Pump still has Skid.

-Ayyyyy! Part 2! Enjoy my friend!

-Word count: 533

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