ChloePOV: Partners

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Chloe didn't have the energy to process what she'd just seen. Instead she decided to focus on how very neat and tidy their case against the Viper was. Almost like someone had planned it. The whole thing smelled like a frame job to her. She just knew in her gut that the Viper was innocent, at least of this particular crime. The problem was proving it.

Chloe went back to the precinct and started pouring over the case again, but somehow it didn't matter how many times she went over it. She was missing something.

Missing... What was she missing? That was it! He'd missed! Whoever shot at Benny hadn't hit him, even though they had a clear line of sight. Also to shoot into a crowd like that and not hit even a single person you'd have to be a very good shot. The best, even. And just like that she knew who the real murderer was.

Her first thought was to message Lucifer to join her, but then she remembered he was recovering in the hospital from a gunshot wound that made absolutely no sense. She was on her own, which was fine. After all she'd been without a partner for ages. She didn't need him and he was the actual freaking Devil! A suddenly less indestructible Devil, but that was a problem for later. First thing first: catch the killer.

She got Viper out of holding and went to Benny's studio. Getting a confession out of the ex-sniper marine didn't actually turn out to be that hard. The ex-sniper pointed the finger at Benny and before long Chloe was bringing Benny into the station in handcuffs.

And now there was nothing to distract her from the events she still didn't quite believe she'd witnessed. Getting in her car, Chloe made her way to the hospital to visit the strange dangerous man who had, for no logical reason, just saved her life for a second time.

She was however surprised upon arriving to see that Lucifer already had a visiter: her boss. Chloe watched from afar as they talked. She just caught the end of their exchange as her boss left the room only moments later.

"Oh! Hello, Chloe," her boss said, as she exited Lucifer's hospital room.

"Hi," Chloe replied, surprised to see her here.

"I was just finalizing a deal," her boss replied. Chloe had to suppress the urge to tell her that a deal with the devil was a bad idea. Instead Chloe just smiled and said something polite.

Once she was gone Chloe entered Lucifer's room.

"What did she want?" Chloe asked.

"You are now looking at an official consultant for the LAPD," Lucifer said, almost proudly. Chloe felt sure she was reading him wrong on that though.

"Is she going to regret that deal, Lucifer?" Chloe asked. "The deal you made for Benny had some pretty bad consequences."

"She wants to be the first female chief of police," Lucifer explained. "I wanted to be your consultant. I think it's worked out rather well actually."

"I still don't understand why you want to work with me so badly," Chloe said with a sigh.

"Yes well," Lucifer said, in that way he did when he didn't lie but also didn't answer your question.

"Do you really not know why you are suddenly bleeding moments after surviving a literal hailstorm of bullets?"

"Not a single clue no," Lucifer said grinning from ear to ear like a kid in a candy store after a lifetime of only lettuce. "It's all rather exciting isn't it!"

"How is bleeding exciting?"

"You try being immortal sometime," Lucifer grumbled. "Nothing can hurt you, nothing can get to you. Do that for a couple hundred millennia and you too will agree that a little danger is thrilling!"

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