LuciPOV: Testing a Theory

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After leaving the Detective's place, Lucifer did some tests. He'd started out slow this time just in case the bleeding happened again, but it didn't. By the end of his experiments he was once again completely convinced that he was immortal. It just seemed to not be true when he wanted to show people. There had to be some reason why, some difference between then and now that he just wasn't getting. What was the difference?

He ran round and round the facts in his head, trying to remember every time he'd bled and what had been going on at the time. He tried to remember the specifics about where he'd been, what he'd been doing, who he'd been with... and then it hit him. He hadn't bled when he wanted to show someone. He'd bled when he'd wanted to show Chloe. Chloe had been there every time he'd been hurt, and more than that, every time he'd been immortal she hadn't been around.

But this was just a theory. He couldn't be sure unless he tested it.

When Chloe called the next morning to tell him they had a case, Lucifer felt sure he'd get a chance to test his theory soon. What he wasn't sure of was how she'd react if it turned out to be true.

"How's your hand?" Chloe asked once she'd given him all the information he needed about their new case.

"Healing quickly," Lucifer said.

"That's good," Chloe replied. "Any idea yet what's going on?"

"I have a theory," Lucifer admitted

"And that theory is?"

"I'll tell you when I'm sure," Lucifer said, hoping she didn't push it. He was worried that if he told her now it might sound like he was accusing her of something.

"Alright," Chloe replied, though he could hear disappointment in her voice. "I'll meet you at the crime scene then."

"Very well, Detective," Lucifer agreed and Chloe hung up the phone.

When he arrived at the crime scene, Lucifer immediately recognized the murder victim as his landlord Dean Cooper. He'd been killed by a small piece of glass slicing his neck and cutting open a major artery. The glass had come from a shattered champion flute and Lopez was offering to put the shattered glass back together, proving once again that one person's hell was another person's epic puzzle project. Lucifer didn't get a chance to test his new theory, because he got an urgent message from Maze. There was trouble at Lux. Lucifer enjoyed the fact that Chloe wasn't too keen on his leaving but it couldn't be helped.

What was waiting for him at Lux killed his cheerful mood in an instant. With the death of his previous landlord the new owner was evicting him. This wouldn't be possible except for the fact that Lucifer's lease was a very 'written in lipstick on a thong over a handshake' kinda thing. All deals with the devil were powerful even when written on a thong, but the law didn't seem to agree. Lucifer refused to regret his thong-lipstick system, even so it was posing a problem now that the man he'd shaken hands with was lying dead at the crime scene he'd just left.

The man who'd come to evict him was named Eric Cooper. Lucifer at once liked him for Dean Cooper's murder. Patricide after all was a time honored classic. Arriving less than an hour after his father's death to kick out his tenants was rather suspicious as well.

Lucifer knew he shouldn't. Chloe wouldn't have liked it, but he couldn't help but threaten the man. This was his home and no one was going to take it from him. It was probably a good thing Maze stopped him from beating Eric up, even if it left him feeling very unsatisfied. It was less helpful when Maze accused his mother. Yes, mum was guilty of a lot, but this wasn't her style.

Once Maze was gone, Lucifer decided Chloe needed to be told of Eric's murderous deed. When Lucifer called to tell Chloe his suspicions he was happy to hear she agreed with him. Lopez's trick with the puzzle glass had found a single finger print on the murder weapon belonging to one Eric Cooper.

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