LuciPOV: Pudding and Staplers

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'Not a hole in the ground' made sense but apart from that Lucifer wasn't quite sure where to put the murderous blade in his left hand. It wasn't like Lux or his penthouse didn't have high levels of human traffic. A safe deposit box would be guarded by untrustworthy humans. He couldn't give it to Amenadiel to guard even if he hadn't become practically human these days. Maze wasn't an option either because that would mean keeping it at the Detectives since they were living together. Mother had let it loose on humanity in the first place and definitely couldn't be trusted to safeguard the blade which meant he'd run out of celestials to protect the dagger from falling into human hands. Run out of celestials save one. Lucifer knew what he had to do.

"So where will you put it, brother?" Amenadial asked as if reading his thoughts.

"Far away from our mum for starters," Lucifer replied. Safer if no one knew what he planned to do with the blade.

As if summed by his words, who stepped off the elevator but the goddess herself.

Mum didn't have anything nice to say. She wasn't happy about the lack of blood shed from the blade since it hadn't gotten God's attention. Lucifer was done with her excuses. He knew this was about more than grieving her son. She claimed to want her family back, but Lucifer told her it was impossible. You couldn't force Dad to do anything. Mum was clearly delusional, and worse, Amenadial agreed with her! He thought divinity and humanity weren't supposed to mix, but Lucifer didn't like that idea for so many reasons half of which he couldn't put into words. He wanted to be among humanity so if they didn't mix where did that leave him?

"We shouldn't be here," Amenadial stated firmly.

"Well I am not going back to hell," Lucifer countered.

Then mum went on about going home to heaven and Lucifer lost it. He explained it to them as plainly as he knew how. This was his home. He was already home. He hadn't realized how true the words were until he'd spoken them aloud. Neither heaven nor hell had ever been home to him.

To his surprise she seemed to accept this. Lucifer was rather taken aback. Within seconds mum and Amenadiel had exited his penthouse. Lucifer was left standing there holding the blade with his heart racing. How had that gone so well?

After a moment to calm down, Lucifer decided not to overthink it. He had a blade to hide. He locked the thing in his very best, most secure safe. It was one of the safes in his penthouse behind a wall of thick metal and unknown to anyone but him and, he supposed, the guy who'd installed it. That would have to do. At least close by he'd be able to check and make sure it was still there from time to time.

Even with the blade safely tucked away, Lucifer was still uneasy. Why had his mother given up so quickly? It wasn't like her, and another thing he couldn't get out of his head was the look his mother had given Chloe when they'd visited her at the office. Before seeing the goddess glare at Chloe, it had never occurred to Lucifer that his mother might be a danger to Chloe. Now however he was worried. Chloe wasn't just some random human. If something happened to her Lucifer couldn't even imagine how much he'd care. Why did he care so much anyway? His mother and Chloe had asked and Lucifer hadn't had an answer. He realized he missed being able to talk to Linda about this stuff.

Did his mother care enough about his happiness to leave Chloe alone simply because Lucifer asked her too? Lucifer wasn't willing to bet Chloe's life on his mother's affection for her children.

Then something occurred to him. Maze lived with Chloe! She was the perfect bodyguard. Surely Maze wouldn't let anything happen to Chloe which meant he only had to worry about Chloe when she was at work. That was manageable since Lucifer would be around then. Besides, he didn't really think mum would really do anything to her. He was just worrying for no reason.

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