LuciPOV: A Good Hunt

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Lucifer arrived at the snow cone stand, with the Detective in tow. Lucifer could tell that she still wasn't very happy with him, but at least she hadn't laughed when he'd said angel wings. She was, however, quite alarmed when he grabbed the clerk by the collar and smashed him into the ground. She tried to stop him, but he didn't listen.

"This isn't how we do things," Chloe said.

"This pathetic sap's real name is Frankie Costa," Lucifer explained. "And his real job is transporting and storing illegal goods." He turned to the Detective and explained where he'd got the lead from. "Maze set up the warehouse through him."

The Detective looked annoyed, but not as upset as he'd assumed she'd be given how she'd been reacting to the revelation of his being the Devil. A casual Devil was one thing, but seeing what he was really capable of might be more than she could handle. Lucifer didn't want to scare her again.

"Focus Frankie," Lucifer said. "Who took my property?"

"I don't know," Frankie said. "I'm trying to find out myself. This is bad for business."

"And who would know about the storage service?" the Detective's voice chimed in. Lucifer couldn't help but smile. She was helping now, instead of trying to pull him away.

"Who are you?" Frankie asked her.

"I'm someone with one of these," Chloe said, showing the guy Lucifer had by the neck her badge. "But this guy doesn't have one. Say if I were to walk away he can do whatever he wants to you, or if you aren't responsible you can point us in the right direction of someone who is."

Frankie gave in after that, and Lucifer couldn't help but be proud of the Detective. She'd really followed his lead instead of trying to hold him back.

At the Detective's behest, Lucifer let Frankie go. Then on a whim decided to treat himself to a snow come.

"That was incredible," Lucifer said as they were walking back to the car. "Musical. Poetic really!" He couldn't believe how great it had felt to be on the same page as Chloe. "We were like fish and chips, salt and pepper."

"If you were normal I'd be arresting you for assault right about now," the Detective said firmly. "But as I know that would never work I am reduced to hoping I can at least prevent you from hurting anyone while working with me."

"I've already told you Detetive," Lucifer said. "I punish the guilty. I don't harm the innocent, can't even. Frankie's a scumbag and we needed information."

"Losing your wings really seems to be affecting you," Chloe said.

"It's really more the principle of the thing," Lucifer explained. "After all, I cut them off because I wanted to be rid of them. I don't really care that they were stolen. The trouble is that if I let people steal from me once, they might do it again."

The Detective looked at him then. A long, calculating look. He could almost see the wheels in her head turning. "You say you always tell the truth," Chloe said slowly. "And I believe you want to, but that doesn't mean you can't lie to yourself."

"I don't know what you mean, Detective," Lucifer said, quite taken aback by her words.

"Those wings mean more to you than you realize," Chloe told him. "I can tell."

"They don't," Lucifer argued. "Why would I cut off wings I wanted, hmm?"

"Why did you keep them all this time if you didn't want them?" Chloe countered.

Lucifer didn't know what to say to that. Instead he got into the car and let her drive him to their next stop. Between Frankie's lead and the imprint forensic found under UV light on the victim's neck, everything pointed to Los Diablos biker gang.

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