ChloePOV: Goddess Energy

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No matter how genuinely worried Chloe could tell Lucifer was about his mother's escape from Hell, she really couldn't bring herself to dwell on it. Malcolm had been a real threat. A dirty cop straight from hell was a problem, but a mother on the loose just didn't strike the same chord with Chloe, even if she was a Goddess. After all, she'd heard Lucifer complain and complain about his father from the day she'd met him, but never once had he mentioned his mother. How bad could she really be?

Chloe had a feeling Lucifer and Amenadiel were working on finding their mother, though she hadn't a clue what that might involve. She wasn't even totally sure why Lucifer had forgiven his brother for trying to kill him. From what she could gather it seemed like the whole conversation had gone down while time had been frozen. Still, it must have been one hell of a conversation for Amenadiel to switch sides like that.

Chloe had long since realized celestials worked outside the world she knew. Whether she liked it or not, becoming a believer meant her rules had changed. Even if Amenadiel hadn't switched sides, there was nothing any law enforcement on earth could do to stop him. Okay, yes, there were those two knives of Maze's but that was literally it, and besides he seemed to have survived being stabbed with one of those just fine. She was also still trying to wrap her brain around the idea that Lucifer had actually died when Malcolm shot him, which meant the only reason he was still walking the earth was because he'd bargained with his father for his life. Then again, maybe it made sense if you put it into the context of an all powerful father. If you knew your father was always watching you, then wouldn't he always be your last resort in tough times? If she considered that, Chloe just couldn't imagine a parent with that much power not finding some way to do more to help a child in need. You can bet if Chloe was all powerful Trixie would never be in a position to get shot in the chest.

It was because of thoughts like these that Chloe had to remind herself that despite their sometimes very human behaviour, these beings weren't human. They had been alive since the beginning of time and would continue to be alive long into the future. Chloe's small human perspective couldn't hope to understand how Lucifer's family thought. She couldn't even really figure Lucifer out, despite spending so much time with him. In the end, Chloe Decker was just a person, and she didn't have the power to affect such beings. They were keeping her in the loop for now, but she knew that was all Lucifer's doing.

Still even that was confusing. Why was the Devil so fixated on her? They were friends, that she knew, but was it normal for him to stand between a friend and a gun? Even if Lucifer was treating his actions during Trixie's kidnapping as nothing special, the guy had literally died for her. Yeah, sure, he'd been hitting on her non-stop since the day they'd met, but that hardly explained anything. Lucifer flirted with most everyone. Lucifer had admitted that he didn't have a lot of experience with friendship. Maybe he valued it more than he realized. Either way she didn't think she'd ever get an answer.

What she could ask about though was Lucifer's mother. Chloe's calmer mind had found time to ponder things she'd been too exhausted to ask when Lucifer had initially told her about his mother's escape. Things like, what did the Goddess of all Creation look like? Lucifer was very obviously a physical being, so did that mean his parents were too? Had the goddess's physical form been transported up from hell somehow? Chloe could imagine simply wanting to leave hell was enough motivation to explain her reason for escaping, though she suspected there was more to it. From what Lucifer had said, it sounded like she was only down in hell in the first place because of a fight with God, aka her husband. Even if her motives for escaping were clear, Chloe couldn't understand why Lucifer was so sure his mom would come to LA unless it was about seeing her kids. After all, earth was rather large, and she could have chosen to hide anywhere on it to escape her ex.

No matter how many times Chloe went over it in her head, she was still sticking to her gut instinct on this one. Lucifer's mother was here to make amends with her children. It was the only thing that made sense, no matter how much Lucifer insisted she wanted to kill him.

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