ChloePOV: More Questions

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Once the devil was away from her desk, Chloe actually managed to get some work done. She'd finally finished writing her murderous blade report and the paperwork on the routine weapons dealing case she was helping out with. She would never tell Lucifer but his hotness sorting had actually helped a little. It had been pure coincidence but as it turned out the guy on the top of Lucifer's hotness scale had been the dealer. The idea almost made her laugh. Who sorted criminals by hotness? Only Lucifer.

Before leaving the office, Chloe went to get the lunch she'd forgotten to eat from the precinct fridge. Upon opening it she saw the results of Lucifer and Dan's pudding dispute.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes. Celestial or not, boys were still idiots. This was a lot of fuss over pudding, as far as she was concerned.

What was far more interesting was Lucifer's behaviour towards her. It was strange, and yet not so strange, to learn that Lucifer had spent the whole day annoying her because he was worried about her. It was, afterall, the one overall consistent thing she'd observed in the devil's behaviour since they'd met. Lucifer quite literally put his body between her and harm on a regular basis. Learning the reason behind his annoying behaviour kinda made her feel bad for getting so mad at him. Then again he could have just explained why he was there from the start instead of being a pain in the ass for hours. If it wasn't for his rule about never lying Chloe felt sure she wouldn't know now. Lucifer had, after all, only given up the information when he'd been asked directly.

Her life sure had gotten a lot more complicated since she'd met Lucifer. A Goddess may or may not have targeted her for being a bad influence on the devil. Deals had been made behind her back to keep her alive that returned to try and get her killed. It certainly had been the most eventful year of her life with the most near death experiences. And then there was Lucifer himself. Mister walking paradox. A man who never lied but always failed to give a satisfactory or straight forward answer. A man who could literally be anywhere doing anything and chose to spend hours sitting at her desk playing with office supplies. A man who flirted with everyone but dated no one. A man who very clearly needed therapy but fired his therapist.

On that note Chloe had made a decision. If the last few days had taught her anything it was that the devil needed his therapist. If Lucifer wasn't game, she'd ask Maze. It was time Linda knew the truth.

That night after Trixie was asleep, Chloe brought up the topic.

"Thanks for dinner," Maze said with a casual wave of her hand. Chloe hadn't planned to feed Maze dinner so much as failed to stop her from eating half the pasta. "I gotta bounce." Then Maze turned towards the door. Chloe guessed she had some kind of party she was headed to, given the skin tight black leather number she was wearing.

"Before you go," Chloe said. Maze stopped and turned. "I wanted to talk about something?"

"Umm," Maze said, looking awkward. "I'm not so good with the emotional talk stuff. So unless you need someone beaten up-"

"It's okay, I don't wanna talk about my feelings," Chloe chuckled. "You are safe."

"Great," Maze replied easily. "So who do you need beaten up?"

"No one," Chloe answered with a sigh. "I wanna talk about your face."

"My face?" Maze said, confused.

"Yeah. Lucifer said you have one too," Chloe replied. "Like his devil face. A face that can convince people of the truth."

"He told you that, huh?" Maze said. Chloe wasn't sure if the demon was happy or annoyed about this.

"Yeah, so anyway I was wondering if you'd be okay with coming with me to tell Linda, or rather show Linda, the truth," Chloe said trying to sound sure of herself. "Between your face and my testimony she has to believe us!"

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