LuciPOV: Mother and Drugs

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After a rather tedious exchange of information with Detective Douche, Lucifer was right back in Chloe's car headed to interview exactly who he wanted to see. It didn't matter what the Detective said, Lucifer needed to check if this Amy person was being used as a vessel by his mother.

Chloe knocked on the door and did her whole boring LAPD bit which, as always, didn't get her in the door. With a sigh, Lucifer pushed it open and just walked in.

"Really, how did you get by without me?" he asked, moving past her. Lucifer could hear a quiet but frustrated sound coming from the Detective as he turned to face the inside of the trailer.

"Alright, the jig is up, mother," Lucifer said to the woman snorting cocaine off her vanity. "Ah well, I always knew where I got my party style from."

Amy turned around, standing up as she did so. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Let's stop playing games, shall we?" Lucifer said. "I know you aren't who you pretend to be."

"You're right," Amy said, and then she attacked him.

Lucifer had been prepared for this. His mother wanted him dead, and he wasn't going to go without a fight. But this attack wasn't the type he'd expected. She was trying to rip off the buttons of his shirt, and Lucifer was suddenly in his own version of hell. Like the perfect partner that she was, his Detective saved him.

"LAPD," Chloe said. "We have some questions for you, Miss Dodd."

While Amy was distracted, Lucifer managed to get away from her. He felt sure at this point that Amy hadn't been possessed by his mother, but even just the thought of it as a possibility was making his skin crawl.

"You're with the police?" Amy said, turning to look at Lucifer, clearly scared. "I'm in so much trouble."

"We don't care about your drug use," Chloe told the girl. "I need to ask you about the argument you and Julian had right before she died."

Ah yes, this must have been what Detective Douche had been telling her earlier when Lucifer hadn't been listening. He tried to listen now while Chloe continued her questioning, but he only got the overall gist of it. Rather than the blackmail Chloe had expected, they learned Julian was actually being paid under the table to be Amy's sober companion, which explained the cash. The argument between Amy and the victum turned out to be about Amy falling off the wagon. Based on what Lucifer had seen when he walked in Amy had never gotten back on the wagon. Their victim clearly wasn't a very effective sober companion!

"Here just take it," Amy said as she handed over her stash of drugs.

When Lucifer looked over Chloe's shoulder and saw the bag of drugs he couldn't help but feel a little singled out, maybe even offended. There on the bag of drugs, like a calling card, was something that didn't belong to any human.

"A devil emoji," Lucifer scoffed. "That's it. I'm speaking to a copyright lawyer today."

He didn't even get a smile from the detective for his remark, which was a bit disappointing, but at least she hadn't rolled her eyes.

Chloe got the information on Amy's dealer. Even if all they had was a phone number, the Detective seemed content to have a lead. Maybe she could do more with just a phone number than he thought.

It was funny how different his life was when Lucifer worked within Chloe's rules. All this waiting around for warrants and things. Before, Lucifer just showed up and took what he wanted most, but now he knew that would upset Chloe, which stopped him. He still wasn't sure why upsetting her was enough to motivate him so much, but he knew that it was. Usually the slow way bored him, but with Chloe Lucifer was never bored. It was rather odd actually. No matter how many hours he spent with her, he always wanted to see her again. Didn't make any sense really and thanks to her complete refusal to sleep with him, he couldn't even know if that would have gotten her out of his system like he'd once thought.

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