LuciPOV: Why Punish?

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Lucifer was starting to regret the whole letting-his-mother-remain-on-earth thing. Mainly because of her continued interruption of his personal life. To be more specific, his sex life. Nothing got the Devil out of the mood like his mother walking in on him while he poured wax along a woman's curves. It got worse when mother started asking inappropriate blunt questions like a prepubescent boy.

Lucifer was still mulling over mother's explanation from the other night. His mother claimed sending him to hell had been to save him. Mother said that after the rebellion Dad had been so angry he'd wanted Lucifer dead, and it had been her who'd convinced God to banish him instead. Lucifer wasn't totally sure he believed her, but he knew he wanted to. Despite her very annoying presence, he actually liked having his mother in his life again. There was no way to prove her story, no way to get dad's attention and ask, so what could he really do?

What his mother wanted to do was see Amenadiel, which Lucifer found preposterous. As soon as his brother learned who she was he'd fly her right back to hell! Lucifer was actually kinda surprised Amenadiel hadn't shown up already. It wasn't like him to just disappear like this and if Lucifer had the time or energy to add worries to his plate right now he'd be worried about his brother. But the Devil had more important things to worry about than his immortal and insanely powerful brother.

Mom was also less than understanding about what she called his 'human job'. Lucifer tried to tell her it was still punishment, just like he'd always done, but by the look on her face he could tell she wasn't convinced.

That definitely didn't stop Lucifer when the Detective next called him in for a case. As always, Chloe picked him up and Lucifer got into her car with a smile on his face.

"Another day another murder," Lucifer said cherrily by way of greating.

Along with the usual eye roll, Lucifer sensed something else in her expression. No, more like her eyes. This required further observation. Lucifer made a mental note.

"How did it go with your mother?" Chloe asked as she drove. "Did you find out what the cheese was for?"

"Oh that," Lucifer replied. "She tried to make me mac and cheese."

"She what?" Chloe chuckled. Lucifer could see she was trying not to turn her eyes from the road, but she clearly wanted to.

"Yep," Lucifer said. "When I say tried though I really mean failed. It was burnt so black it hardly resembled cheese, let alone noodles."

"Hey it's the thought that counts," Chloe told him, still holding back laughter.

"I suppose," Lucifer replied.

"It's actually a rather strange thought to imagine a goddess making kraft dinner," Chloe continued, still smiling though she had the giggles under control now.

"Her making them for me is even more bizarre," Lucifer replied.

"So does this mean you have decided what to do?" Chloe inquired.

"We are in a holding pattern, I'm afraid," Lucifer answered.

"What about your deal with dad?" Chloe asked next.

"What about it?" Lucifer replied. This topic of conversation was making his stomach clench unpleasantly, though he wasn't sure why.

"If you don't hold up your end of the deal, could God take back his side of it?" Chloe asked.

Lucifer hadn't once thought of this. Was it his mother's life or Chloe's? That was a dilemma he never wanted to face, and he wouldn't have to. God didn't care about a single mortal life. Besides, the whole deal was so vague anyway. All Lucifer had seen was an empty cell then he'd been thrown back to earth. Lucifer had just assumed what God meant but one could argue God didn't even want his ex-wife back in hell anyway.

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