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THE rest of lunch she sat there staring off into space trying to look like she hated being there when she felt the opposite

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THE rest of lunch she sat there staring off into space trying to look like she hated being there when she felt the opposite. She felt a weird tether to this group that she didn't understand and it made her scared. The trio noticed her silence but brushed it off and spoke of things like having to work after school with a guy named Sam. Kim seemed to nod with understanding but looked to Jared sad she wouldn't be hanging out with him. Their love made Nina feel sick. They made what movies and books spoke of seem real which she knew there's no way it did. She also crinkled her nose in distaste as they constantly did PDA. Paul even looked grossed out and fake gagged as he finished eating saying he lost his appetite. As he stood he looked to Nina who stayed frozen similar to a statue, "Come on Verro let me show you what you do when your finished eating." He spoke kindly for once making Nina stand on wobbly legs and walked slowly behind him.

He noticed her lack of food eaten but didn't comment just made a face that she avoided eye contact with and just followed his every move. As they walked back to the table Kim and Jared were gone making Paul snort and look annoyed about the couple which confused me but I told myself to not get invested. "So what's your deal? Like seriously you barely talk. You barely eat." He stated the facts he knew making slump down into her seat a bit embarrassed. Yes she had been teased at her old school for being weird but never directly to her, it mostly from a distance with pointing and laughing. She slowly shrugged and Paul looked at her with a weird stare almost like he was assessing her. He wasn't exactly one for small talk with girls, usually it was just flirting and nothing more.

"That's cool too. Not answering. Not rude at all." He muttered annoyed and sarcastic. "You must be really shy or something." He seemed to announce like he knew everything but I didn't smile or laugh just stared at him briefly before back at my hands. "Or maybe she doesn't fall so easily for your false charm." Kim panted red faced as her and a blushing Jared came back from what I'm assuming was a make out session or something. "Pfft whatever your friends a nerd like you." He laughed bitterly and stood shaking the tiniest bit as he walked out of the cafeteria. "Don't worry I was shy once too. But hey we can be officially friends maybe that'll help you." Kim said smiling at me with so much kindness radiating from her. I slowly unable to help it smiled back at her. Not used to smiling much it hurt my face how wide it was and Kim seemed to smile back even happier now.

"You should smile more. Your really pretty. Hell you'd probably be the most popular girl in school..... although you already seem to be." She said look at everyone's prying eyes. Their fellow classmates were shocked that she had been initiated into the cult so easily, hell some of them tried harder then she had and had been shunned. "Your pretty. I'm just.... me." Nina said loosing her rare smile and looking to her unpainted finger nails and picking at them nervously. "See new girls got taste. But she's taken." Jared smiled broadly and seemed a bit serious which earned a laugh and elbow from Kim to behave. I just tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and began to sit on my hands to stop them from picking at every little thing. "So what do you have next?" Kim asked excited to finally have a girl in their group.

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