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LYING there for hours she had nothing better to do then think of all she could have don't to prevent this from happening

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LYING there for hours she had nothing better to do then think of all she could have don't to prevent this from happening. At first she's think for the splitting second maybe this time he had just done it for no good reason. But like always she had time alone time to think about all the different outcomes. Maybe if she hadn't talked to those guys at school today she would've had the energy to wait up. That's what her mind currently was set on but then her mind went to the fact it wasn't anyone else to blame but herself. She was always to blame.

This time she discovered it was because she had allowed herself a moment of being selfish and falling asleep when she knew she had responsibilities. Nina knew she would at minimum be there for the night and would need her sleep for school. She would also have to attempt her homework the second she got her father out the door for work. If she even got out today....

This was one of her fathers favorite ways to punish her due to her fear of being alone in the dark, with nothing but her own thoughts to make time pass so it was slow. She could be in here longer than a day and already miss only her second day of school.  Plus it wasn't exactly comfortable to fall asleep with fearing she'd move in her sleep and cause the chain to tighten to much. Right now it barely dug at all making her try to slow her breathing enough to stay calm enough to attempt sleep. At some point it must have worked because she woke to the lock being opened and her body stiff. It was like her body knew if she moved even the slightest bit she'd be cut, and maybe it had adapted. Her father opened the freezer and unchained her silently.

She glanced at the clock as she followed him up the breaking basement stairs, and into the brightly lit kitchen. It was 7 meaning she was already running behind schedule. The first thing she did was cook her father breakfast and pack away last nights dinner for leftovers. He looked hungover leaving her to know why his usual comments were kept to himself. Knowing him he probably didn't remember why he was punishing her, just that she deserved it in his eyes. He ate his eggs before leaving. Nina quickly cleaned the kitchen and changed into a high collared turtle neck for the day. She wore the same black jeans as the day before and socks she had worn in the freezer. Despite her exhaustion she ran to school feeling watched the entire time again, hell she thought she saw something moving but ignored it.

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Beautiful Lies (Sam Uley // Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now