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NINA was sat with Kim and Jared for Lunch

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NINA was sat with Kim and Jared for Lunch. At the table the two were kissing like no one was watching. It made her nose scrunch up in distaste and people from other tables were even glancing over. "Babe, babe I need to eat before class." Kim giggled finally pulling away for some air making me snort lowly.  "You guys done?" I ask teasingly making Kim blush and Jared smirk proudly. "Sorry we will try to tone it down." Kim stated making Jared look at her like she was insane. Nina looked away with an amused smile as Jared gave her a fake death glare.

"You know it's just hard when your in love...... speaking of which Nina have you ever had a boyfriend?" Jared asked trying to seem nonchalant but Kim gave him a weird look. "Uh no just not my scene I guess. I usually tend to keep to myself." Nina explained not catching the look Kim wore. "Hmmm well you know I got a friend that if your interested maybe we could do a double date?" Jared asked making Kim's confused face go to realization and then horror in seconds. Sam would think Nina was turning him down when really her father wouldn't let her stray from home. "Uh sorry Jared. My dad doesn't want me dating until I'm 18." Nina rushed out making Jared quirk an eyebrow and look at Kim who gave him a pleasing look to stop. "Oh come on not even one date? Man your dad is strict." He scoffed in disbelief that a parent could be so controlling.

"You have no idea." Nina muttered making him look at her with some remorse. "Well your turning 18 in like a month right?" Kim asked trying to show Jared Sam wouldn't have to wait long. "Yeah." Nina answered quietly thinking of her and Kims deal. "Well how about for your 18 birthday we have a small hangout? You know just us a cake and presents at someone's house." Kim offered and Jared seemed to smile at her like she was a genius. "That all sounds- great minus the presents." Nina said awkwardly she hadn't celebrated her birthday since she was a kid, let alone receive anything. More then half the the things she had were stolen from local stores, lost and found, and the schools library back home. "We should do it at Sams. You know if things get rowdy don't want the police coming." He winked at Kim but she gave him an expression of annoyance.

"No way Jared we will not have any alcohol. Sams 22 that would get him in trouble if we were caught. Besides Sam wouldn't do it anyway." She said making him roll his eyes that looked to Nina then Kim. Emphasizing that Sam would get alcohol for his imprint but Nina didn't understand the gesture and just shrugged it off as Kim looked to him with a glare. "Well what else are we supposed to do? Talk." He said fake gagging as Kim and Nina smiled at each other. "Yes babe or a movie or something." Kim said like it was obvious making him groan. "Fine. But I won't be paying attention to the movie." He flirted and tried leaning in for a kiss which Kim held a hand up blocking his lips making him pout. She pecked his lips before looking to Nina who was looking off in a daze again.

"Something on your mind Nina?" Kim asked as Nina looked around with an awkward smile. "It's just hard to believe I'll be 18 next month is all." She said playing with what food she had left on her tray making Kim nod slowly. Because she more so meant, 'I'll be away from him.' Kim smiled sadly at her although she herself couldn't tell how Nina could miss a monster like him. But then she thought of the fact he was the only real family she had left and it hurt her to physically think about. Being so lonely. Allowing the only person you have left to treat you like that so they could stay. The trio took up their trays and talked about things to lighten the mood. Jared sensing his imprint was sad made him look at her for the rest of lunch wondering what happened.

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