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NINA and Kim decided on an superhero movie that was filled with people 18+ since everyone was at school still

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NINA and Kim decided on an superhero movie that was filled with people 18+ since everyone was at school still. The two girls watched the action packed movie both having different reactions. Kim found it interesting but wasn't too focused and Nina sat straight up taking everything in. Kim having the aisle seat decided to go get drinks and popcorn for the girls. Nina mutely nodded not wanting to miss anything, she sat by herself now feeling watched but shook it off as nothing. Suddenly someone was coming down her aisle to get seats in the mid beginning of the movie. She stood up not even looking at them and let them pass, in her peripherals she saw them do a double take of her before sitting down. Instead of going to any of the free seats in the row they sat directly by her. She tried ignoring their presence but they seemed more interested in her then the movie.

Taking a glance at the man he was cute....... not as cute as Sam but still pretty good looking. He was very pale, electric blue eyes, and was watching her every move rather then the actual movie. Rolling her eyes she went back to the movie when said stranger began talking to her. "Hi, I'm Chris." The guys said smiling kindly but Nina just looked down not really wanting to talk but she didn't want problems either. "I'm Nina." She said only giving the bare minimum before trying to tune him out again. She heard him chuckling lowly to himself making her stiffen but ignore it. "I've never quite found a girl that enjoyed superhero movies and was so good looking. Imagine lucky me noticing you from the back row and knowing that's my future wife right there." He smirked as she fake smiled back but didn't say anything back to him.

"Well Nina, I can tell your a hard woman to impress. Maybe it's because you have a boyfriend?" He asked and she looked peeved off and again didn't answer. "Look I'm new here. I'm going to be going to school soon and- maybe I'm not exactly good at being friends with girls. Also what can I say I'm a natural flirt. Let's start over. 'Hello I'm Chris. I enjoy superhero movies and ... I have no friends." Chris said sounding more genuine making Nina nod and smile shyly. "I'm Nina. Where will you be going to school?" She asked hoping it was anything but-. "La Push High school. Hear of it?" He asked although by the shocked look on her face he knew she had. "My friends and I go there." Nina said awkwardly which made him smile even bigger.

"Well as the new guy did my flirting ruin any chances I had at making a new friend before school starts?" Chris asked sounding like he genuinely regretted it. Nina with her innocent mind remembered what it was like to be new. "I ..... don't think so. As long as there's no more of it." Nina explained and he nodded vigorously. Kim finally came back from the long line and looked confused at the stranger beside me. "Uh Kim...... this is Chris. He's gonna be going to school with us." Nina explained as Kim looked unimpressed. "Mmm nice to meet you." She said not sounding at all thrilled. Nina didn't understand the cold shoulder Kim was giving Chris but he didn't seem to notice and just smiled back. "I'm just glad I found some people that will already know the ins and outs of that school. Gotta avoid the crazy people right?" He laughed and Nina gave Kim a knowing look that made her smirk. Little to his knowledge he was sat with the weirdest group in that school.

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