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THE entire week Sam watched her and took care of her and the more he fell in love

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THE entire week Sam watched her and took care of her and the more he fell in love. He knew he'd have to tell her the secret soon, and he was going to.... But he was scared that maybe she would want nothing to do with him. They opened up to each other more and more, she still held back when telling him of things from when she was a child. But she got more comfortable with him.... She was goofy, and very clumsy. Sam constantly trying to put her back to bed as she would tidy his house or cook for him and the boys. Kim was over everyday as well, always giving them the looks of awe saying they were cute together. Paul and Jared were more teasing with it as Sam gave them dirty looks. He had shifted back once..... of course that one time Paul was there and saw everything from their night together. Yes the boys knew they had done the deed but seeing it through Sam's eyes was a completely different thing.

Paul obviously told Jared and now both boys were sat at the table with shit eating grins. Kim looked at them before Jared whispered it to her making Sam give them all dirty looks to not say anything. Being a wolf it's not easy containing your own thoughts, but he knew Nina would think he just told them to brag. He planned to ask her out soon.... But maybe he first had to tell her what he was so she wouldn't think he was trying to trap her in by using a relationship. Nina cooked for the group as he watched her thinking about all this Kim was helping to the best ability she could. Nina was trying to teach her some recipes, which Jared was completely fine with. Paul enjoyed teasing Sam and giving him funny looks about it but he hadn't even looked at Nina since.

He was kinda scared to with the memory that was now in his head from Sam. He was a teen boy so..... he shook it off and just decided yeah it's awkward but he'd have to get over it. It was just like when Jared had let his and Kim's time slip, he soon forgot about that he just felt weird having to see it. Especially being single and unable to date anyone he kinda felt lonely.... He almost hoped someone else would shift to keep him occupied from the couples that surrounded him. A fellow single wolf to deal with the awkward things that went through the pack link. The only bright side for him lately was the Cullens a few weeks ago leaving town and leaving the wolves to relax a bit. They left mid Nina's hospital visit making her confused but shrug it off as just another family moving away from the rainy town.

Well.... That was it until the phone suddenly rang making Sam answer it seeing it was a council member. He looked surprised before sighing and glancing to Nina who was placing a tray of sandwiches for everyone down. "Jared Paul.... Come here a second." He called to them to come to the living room confusing the two imprints on why he couldn't say it in front of them the boys went stiff nodding and before sitting down. "I have to go to see the council about something real quick I'll probably be gone for a while. We got a new guy joining us for work and stuff." He explained making Kim nod knowingly and Nina to scrunch her face up confused what that even meant.

"He'll probably be coming here with me after if he...... passes their interview." He said in a rush and going out the door in minimal clothing. Before Nina could tell him to put something warmer on he was running into the woods taking the back trails like he would here and there. "Who do you guys think the new guy will be?" She asked sounding chipper as the boys looked to each other knowingly. Only men in the tribe with certain last names shifted if they had to make their pick it would be Jacob Black. His great grandfather was the alpha and chief of the tribe plus he seemed to be filling out a bit. He hated their group with a passion so they could only imagine he'd be angry that he couldn't be friends with Embry or Quil anymore. But they didn't voice any of this to Nina, only saying it was probably someone on the res maybe even someone from school.

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