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Nina's eyes slowly peel open to the faint noise and looks around her surroundings briefly forgetting where she is. At first she thinks it's like any other day in the freezer when her memory returns and her eyes widen and look around in a panic. She didn't even remember falling asleep. The freezer felt colder then winter and her skin was beginning to numb to the cold which she knew from class was a bad sign. Nina couldn't even tell you what time of day it was...... or what day. She began to wonder if Kim had just stopped caring after their dispute, Nina now saw she was being irrational. How could she have blamed Kim for a secret she shouldn't have made her keep in the first place. As her thoughts began wandering to what if's she heard footsteps outside the box. She then for some reason decided playing dead was her best option, so she went limp eyes closed and held her breathe.

When the door opened she could practically feel his ice cold glare prickly on her skin making her want to hide away. A gruff laugh came out as the freezer slammed shut harshly and the footsteps walked away. Slowly peeling her eyes that wanted to stick together open she listened as her father appeared to be talking to her from outside the box. "Nina, nina, nina. Always one to play games Arnt we? Playing dead? I guess I was right to say you were a pathetic immature child then huh?" He spat like he was truly happy with his choice of words. Nina grunted anger lay making him just spam a fist on the top of the freezer making her flinch away and cut her neck even more. "But don't you worry Nina..... soon you won't have to pretend." Her father said before the creaky basement stairs could be heard as he left to pack more of his belongings or to drink the day away.

Nina knew that if she didn't do something soon the hypothermia would set in if it hadn't already. Her eyes looked closely at every inch of the freezer till her eyes found the nail that had her neck chained to the actual freezer. Her hands were bound at the wrist but she easily and slowly lifted them above her head still managing to cut her neck more. As her fingers brushed the head of the nail she began using her finger nails to try and pry it from the freezer bottom.


Kim paced in worry for Nina wondering if she should go after her or not. She had texted the boys but they must not have been in their human forms yet to receive them. She paced and paced unsure what to even do with her self at this point. Finally mustering the courage to face Nina's wraith she grabbed her keys and went bounding down the stairs. Her eyes were looking for any sign of her parents before she dashed for her cat. It was late at night and it wouldn't look good to her parents considering they always assumed she snuck out for Jared. She didn't want to get caught and spill the secret yet again, she hated herself even though deep down she knew it was the right thing. It wasn't her secret to tell and yet she did it with no problem. Kim began recklessly driving down the bare roads of La Push all the way to Nina's house. As she rounded the corner her eyes widened and she hit her breaks slowly not to make any noise.

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