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NINA watches in utter horror pulled back into the rowdy crowd of teenagers as Paul and Chris stand staring at the other

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NINA watches in utter horror pulled back into the rowdy crowd of teenagers as Paul and Chris stand staring at the other. Kim pulled her aside knowing things were in fact going to get ugly. Kim was simply praying to the ancestors that Jared got there before anything happened.

"I wasn't talking to you Lahote- in fact I wasn't talking to any of you besides Nina. Although I must admit your acting a little suspicious for someone that's just friends." Chris teases wearing a cocky smirk as Paul's eyes glare into him. His eyes were slits, his iris's looked pure black as his entire body tremors.

"I bet that uh- Sam guys real worried about you. But maybe he's more worried about his bitch whoring it up with all his little brainwashed disciples." Chris seethes making Paul's eyes narrow even more his breathing getting even more heavy.

"Look- Paul it's nothing personal. Let the bitch answer my question and you and nosy ass Kim can go fuck off." Chris says with finality before going to step around Paul to approach Nina once again. Paul's hand grabs his arm and shoved him a lot lighter then he did when he was in Nina's face. But his teeth were practically pulled back in a snarl as he had finally had enough of the boy and his rude comments.

"I really-.... don't want to hurt you Chris- but if you don't just get the fuck out of here your leaving me no choice. You do not touch her, don't look at her, and don't even fucking think or speak about her. Or so help me I will make your life a living hell." Paul says in a low threatening tone.

Nina knew he meant every word making her smile softly at him protecting her but she was scared.

Because Chris never seemed to listen.

Chris scoffs and shakes his head before pushing his tongue to his cheek in annoyance. "A lot of talk yet- your not doing anything about it. Tell me what you did to change Embry and Jake and I'll leave her alone. Because you don't scare me Paul.... In fact I think I could take your empty headed ass-" before Chris could finish his insult a fist hits him right across the face.

He looks to be in massive pain letting out a slight groan before his eyes look to Paul who's body was practically convulsing.

"Paul stop. He is not worth this right now let's go." Jared says grabbing ahold of his friend and dragging him away as his breathing turns to heavy panting on the verge of shifting.

But that left a disappointed crowd and Chris who laughs getting back up like it was nothing but Nina knew it was for show. He probably wanted to cry after a hit like that.

"Let's go." Kim says pulling Nina to leave through the crowd but Chris noticed their backs now facing him as they tried to leave.

"STOP!" He shouts making Nina freeze as the kids wouldn't let the girls through they were too busy enjoying the drama.

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