The New Avenger Part 23

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Tony, Hulk, and Wanda were in the training room training (obviously). 

Tony and Wanda were sparring, Tony wearing his suit, and Wanda using her powers. Hulk was there, cheering people on. 


"Ok Hulk." Wanda smiles, and sits down where the others were. 


Everyone was confused, but apparently Tony understood and got out of the suit. He grabbed a dagger (which had the covering on it so no one would get hurt) and started fighting Hulk. 

Peter was sitting next to Aria, who has sitting in front of Loki, who was sitting next to Vision, who was sitting next to Wanda, who was sitting behind Rhodey. 

Peter was calling out every move that Hulk or Tony did. 

"Uppercut! Jab! Lunge! Parry! Punch!"

And it seemed like it would be a really close match, everyone was leaning in, anticipating the moves, when all of the sudden, Thor enters the room. 


Hulk suddenly turns very hard, and slaps Tony in the face. 

And the force was so much, ( I mean, obviously the force was so hard, Hulk is one, so much bigger than Tony, and two, SO MUCH STRONGER THAN TONY) that Tony broke the glass, and flew out the window. 


Everyone in the room gasped and ran towards the  window, where they could hear Tony yelling, 


FRIDAY was about to send a suit to get him, when Aria took off her shirt in a swift movement, and she was left in her pants and bra, and she jumped out the window. 

"ARIA!" Peter yelled. 

Everyone's eyes were wide as they watched Tony and Aria plummet to the ground, when they saw Aria's wings come out, and Aria put her arms close to her, so she fell even faster. Once she reached Tony, she wrapped her arms around him and spread her wings when they were close to the ground, and she flapped her wings hard, and they went soaring into the sky. 

"AH!AH! WhAT thE-"

Tony looked up and saw Aria smiling at him.

Aria flew up and around the compound, letting Tony see the view.

"Woah" She heard Tony say

"I've never been flying without the suit before. It's nice to feel the wind in your face"

"It is isn't it?"

A few seconds later, Aria felt a tony crack and a sting in the tip of her right wing. 

Aria flew for a little bit more, before flying in the window and landing back in the training room. 

"HULK SORRY HE THREW TONY OUT WINDOW" Hulk grabbed Tony and hugged him 

"It's ok Hulk" Tony patted Hulk's arm. 

Everyone was around Hulk and Tony while Aria was a few feet away. She was on her knees, and she was breathing deeply, and her was holding her right wing.

Peter noticed that Aria wasn't around Hulk and Tony, so he looked behind him and saw Aria kneeling down. 


He walked towards her, and when he saw that she had her eyes scrunched up, he ran towards her. 

"Aria? Are you ok?"

Aria didn't answer, but instead hissed. 

"Aria? What hurts?"

"My wing"

"Which one? This one?"

He touched her right wing. 


"Oh, sorry sorry sorry, ok, relax. Hey Mr. Stark! Can you come here please?"

Everyone turned to look at Peter and Aria, and the first one to reach them was Loki, who's protective dad instincts kicked in.  


Part 2 coming tomorrow! I promise! Now I am going to watch Lego Masters with my Mom. It's awesome! 

Anyway, keep reading my little avengers and keep the world safe!



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