The New Avenger Part 29

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"Hey, can I tell you a secret? But you can't tell anyone. Not even Ned. Or Tony. Or my father. Deal?"


Astrid got the file from her jacket. She had hidden it in her jacket before going to the living room. 

"I found this in one of the cabinets" She handed it to Peter. 

"What's in it?"

"Just open it."

Peter opened the file and looked at the papers. 

"This-This is information about your time there"

"Yeah. But there's more"

Peter went through all the papers, and he didn't see the last one. 

"There's nothing else"

"Look at the last page"

Peter opened the file again and took out the last page. 

"W-Who is this?"

"Just read it"

Peter read through the paper, and when he was done, his eyes were wide. 

"W-Wait, this-this is information on-your mom?"

"Yeah. I don't know. I-I feel like I should tell father, but-but I feel like that if she's dead, it would be bad to give him hope. Give us hope"

"So, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

"Tell Loki."

"I don't know. But, I wanted someone to know. And I know I can trust you."

"You can. I won't tell anyone unless you tell me to"

"Thank you" 

Astrid hugs Peter, and he hugs her back. 

Astrid pulls away from the hug. 

"Well, I guess we should go to sleep"

"Yeah. I guess so"

Astrid gets up and so does Peter. They walk to their rooms, and Astrid lays in bed. 

"Well, I guess you had a very interesting night"

Astrid shot up in bed and looks towards the doorway. 

"Father. Yeah, um, I saw Peter, and I wanted to make sure he was ok. And he thought that me having a panic attack was his fault. But I convinced him that it wasn't, and then we went back to sleep"

"Don't play that game with me Astridr Lokidottir" Loki walked to her bed with his arms crossed. 

"What games?" (Reindeer games)

"I was there. I saw you two kiss."

Astrid's eyes opened wide. 

"H-How long were you standing there?" Astrid asked. 

"The whole time."

"So, you saw EvERYthinG?"

"EVERYTHING. Including the file."

Astrid looked away. Loki sighed. 

"Look, I wish you would have told me your feelings for Peter beforehand. I'm not mad."

"But you're disappointed"

"No. Just shocked. But, I'm happy for you"

Loki sat on the bed next to Astrid and hugged her. 

Loki pulled away from the hug. 

"I don't want you hiding anything from me."

Astrid sighed. She got the file from the bedside table drawer and handed it to Loki. 

Loki opened it and read the whole thing, and when he reached the last page, his eyes went wide. He read the whole thing, and when Astrid looked into his eyes, she saw tears in his eyes. He took the picture of her mom out of the clip. He closed the file and put it to the side and kept the photo in his hand. 

And he couldn't contain it any longer. 

The tears started crying, and Astrid hugged him, and Loki hugged her back, as hard as he could, as if he let go, he would never be able to grab her again. 

"You remind me to much of her" Loki said

"I love you" Aria whispered. 


Aeiiiiii! She tells someone! (Well, more like two, people, but eh, we don't need the details.)

Anyway, keep reading my little avenegers! And keep the world safe!



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