The New Avenger Part 28

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Aria started hyperventilating. She closed the file and threw it in the corner away from her. 

She couldn't control herself. 

Her mother. HER MOTHER. How did H.Y.D.R.A know about her mother? How did they find out? How did they get information if she's dead?

It was all to much. 

She started getting dizzy, and her hand was shaking, and she could hear her heart pounding in her chest, and she couldn't breathe.


She faintly heard someone calling her name. She faintly felt someone grab her by the upper arms and shaking her. And then all of the sudden, she felt hands on her head, and then all of the sudden, she felt calm. And then she felt tingling in her arms. 



Are you alright? What is happening?

I don't know. 

Mr. Stark has just spoken to me and said that it seems that you have entered into a stage of something called a panic attack. 

I think that's what's happening. Wait, but why am I calm all of the sudden?

Wanda is calming you down and trying to go through your memories to see what caused this. 

NO! Please! Tell her to stop doing that. I'm fine. I'm calm now. I'll explain what freaked me out once she stops. 

Ok. I shall tell her. 

Aria no longer felt the tingling in her arms, which means that he cut the communication off. 

And she no longer felt someone's hands on her head. 

And she breathed deeply, and kept breathing until she was calm. 

Then she opened her eyes and saw everyone around her. Tony was directly in front of her, Wanda was next to him, and Loki was right next to Aria. Peter was on her other side, with his hand on her shoulder. 

"Aria! Are you ok?"

When she heard that name, she started hyperventilating again, but she closed her eyes and calmed down. 

"C-Can you guys call me Astrid from now on? Please?" Aria whispered. 

"Of course" Tony said. 

Aria breathed in deeply. "So, I guess you all are wondering what happened."

Everyone nodded. 

"Well, I guess, when I went into the lab and saw Peter on the table, saw the men, saw the room, I kind of had visions of when I was there. And. I don't know. I guess I kind of freaked. Some scientists called me Aria, and when I hear the name, I guess I kind of freak. Do you get what I mean?"

"Yeah. I have panic attacks too. I get what you mean" Tony said

Aria smiled at him. 

"Well, let's get you off the floor because we're back home" Peter said. 

Loki helped her up and they all got off the quinjet and in the compound. Everyone went to their rooms to take a shower


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