The New Avenger Part 27

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"Oh yeah yeah, right sorry. So, can you tell us where he is?" Bruce asked. 

"Yeah." Aria closed her eyes, and as soon as she did, she saw this little radar thing. And she saw a red dot that was moving. Which was cool

"He's on the move. Suit up. We need to go. NOW!"

Everyone put their drinks on a nearby table, and they ran towards their rooms to get dressed. But Loki stayed there. 

"Aren't you going to change?"

"I-I'm not sure I should come"

"Your coming, no questions asked."

Aria ran towards her room and entered the secret closet, and put her suit on


When Aria came into the living room, everyone was in full suit. 

"Ok. Let's go. I have his signal. Rhodey, start the jet. You guys are going in the jet. I'm going to fly ahead of you guys and lead you." Aria instructed. 

No one said a word as they walked to the jet and Rhodey started the jet. Everyone put their coms in their ears. 

The jet was hovering in the air when Aria started speaking. 

"Ok. Just follow me. I'll lead you to him, if I stop you stop, if I turn, you turn. Got it?"

"Got it" Aria heard through the coms. 

Aria let her wings out and flew into the air, and once she was hovering in the air, she closed her eyes and pin pointed where the red dot was. And she opened her eyes and followed the direction of the red dot. And the jet followed her. 


"Aria, is he still on the move?" Aria heard Tony ask through the links

"Yeah. I'm following it. As soon as he stops I'll tell you" 


"STOP!" Aria stopped after a few more flaps. 

"Did he stop moving?" Wanda asked.

"Yes. He's a few meters ahead."

Aria kept flying, until she was a meter away from Peter. 

"He's a meter away from here. I think we should land and split up." Aria said as she hovered in front of the jet

"I agree. Let's land" Sam said. 

Rhodey landed the jet, and they all split up. 

Vision and Wanda were together, Tony and Rhodey were together, Bruce was in the jet, and Aria and Loki were together. They started surrounding a building. 

Aria stopped suddenly and looked the building with terror. And Loki noticed it.

"Aria? Are you ok?"

"This is the same place where I was for 12 years." She said with a whisper. 

"THIS place?"

Aria nodded. 

"Oh. Well, they're not going to do anything to you. I promise."

Loki hugged Aria and Aria hugged him back. 

"Wait! I have an idea." Aria said, as she pulled away from the hug. 

Aria closed her eyes and talked in her head. 

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