Ch60 - Picking Up Waste

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Li Zhao turned his head and met Yan Ting’s eyes filled with curiosity.

“A big sister I used to take care of when she was in the hospital. In the last few days, she has transferred to work in your company and you are colleagues.” 

A big sister, how big? A colleague? Zhao Zhao sending him food, was it for him or was it to see his big sister while bringing him food as well.

“She and her husband are settling down here in Beijing. Once I finish recording the next episode of the program, I will invite them to dinner. Do you want to go with me?” Li Zhao was still chatting about his friends and didn’t notice Yan Ting’s expression changing. “I want to introduce you to him.

“We’ve been friends for many years and it is time to introduce you.”

It was the clouds moving to reveal the moon and the sun shining after the snow. Everything returned to spring. 

“You aren’t familiar with Beijing so I’ll take care of the arrangements.” Yan Ting’s eyes like up when he heard that the words ‘introduce you.’

“What do they like to eat? I can book a top chef…”

“Stop, stop.” Li Zhao waved his hand. “Why book a top chef? We can just do hot pot. The hotpot store where we met is very nice, fresh and reasonably priced.” Li Zhao chapped his hands. “That’s it. How about it?”

“Okay.” Yan Ting was silent for a moment. “What hobbies do they usually have? I…”

“Ting Ting, you are my buddy and they are my friends. You just need to go to dinner happily and come back with me happily.” Li Zhao suddenly realized that Yan Ting had few friends other than him.

Thus, Ting Ting attached great importance to him and was a bit cautious in this friendship. This was unfair to Ting Ting.

“Okay.” Yan Ting lowered his eyelids. It was fine as long as they didn’t take Zhao Zhao away from him.

Yan Ting asked, “Are you going to record the show again?” 

“We will start early tomorrow.” Li Zhao explained. “The original plan was to film three days later but there were a few guests who couldn’t arrange the time. Thus, it is two days ahead of schedule.”

“I will ask the housekeeper to help you pack your luggage.” Yan Ting was silent for a moment. “No matter what you encounter outside, don’t let yourself be wronged.”

“The program group gets along well with the rest of the guests, rest assured.”

Li Zhao thought that it wasn’t certain who would drive who crazy. He had dinner with Yan Ting in the evening and lingered until 11 o’clock. Then he dragged his suitcase back home. 

At around 5 o’clock in the morning, the crew knocked on his door again. This time, he had a lot of experience. He entertained them for breakfast and went out with this suitcase.

“Mr Li, be safe on the way.” The housekeeper stood outside the gate and smiled as Li Zhao entered the car.

“Thank you, housekeeper uncle.” Li Zhao looked up at Yan Ting’s room where a light was on and a figure stood in front of the window. He poked out his head and waved at the shadow. The program group’s car slowly drove out of the community. The staff members were smiling as they looked at Li Zhao like he was a gold doll.

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