Chapter 3- missing: blond leprechaun ((edited))

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  • Dedicated to Nina Lizardo

Chapter 3

“Nai?” I call out. I’m trapped in this dream world again. Not that I care, I love it in here. As long as Nai is involved.

“Paula” Young Nai greeted me with a warm smile and a hug; I hug back his petite body. Sometimes I wonder how he looks like right now. We start to walk around the beach in a windy night.

“Nai, can I ask you something?” I ask as we walk through the sand.


“What do you look like now?” I asked. I was expecting some illogical answers but he laughs. He just laughs like I just spit milk out of my nose.

“I look like me silly” He answers after laughing.

“No, I mean currently, like in my world” I pushed the question even though I know I won’t be answered.

“To be honest, I don’t know. I’m just your imagination Paula, just a part of your brain. But you know what I know? You’re near finding me. Ju-” He paused and stopped his tracks. I stopped walking as well. He sits down the sand and play with them.  I didn’t bother making him finish his sentence. I’m probably making up what he’s saying.

I stare at the stars and somehow, I felt comfortable. Like all of these are real. Nai held my face and looked deep in my eyes. And they became familiar.

“Just look” He finishes and vanishes into thin air.

I sit up completely, the bright sun shining through my curtains. I ponder about what Nai said. Just look, his words echo in my head. Just look? What does that suppose to mean? The door opens and I see a quiff peeking.

“Go- Oh hey Paula! I figured you’re still sleeping so I wanted to wake you up. Guess you’ve already woken up” He beams. I smile appreciatively at him and fixed my bed. I went down to meet 4 b- wait 4? Mental attendance check; Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn.

Where the hell is Niall?

I walk to them at the couch and sat between Harry and Zayn. I lean to Harry and whispered.

“Where’s Niall?” I asked.

“We don’t really know. But he called this morning and said he’s fine.” He shrugged. I nod but still concerned. He grew up on me okay? He’s a little brother you know?

I decided to call him on my phone and luckily he answered on the 4th ring.

“Niall?” I called.

“Yeah?” He replied. I couldn’t help but notice the weakness in his voice.

“Are you alright? Where are you?” I bombed him questions in concern.

“I’m fine mom” He replied sarcastically.

“Ha ha ha. But seriously though, what’s up? Where are you staying?” I laughed humourlessly.

“You don’t need to know” Then he hung up. What the heck?

“Luck?” Liam walked past me in the hallway. I sadly shook my head and he frowns. I can see his concern with Niall as well.


A few days come by and every now and then I feel more and more concerned with Niall. I mean, where the hell is he?

“I FOUND HIM” Zayn shouted from downstairs. I quickly sprinted to the living room where I found a wet Niall laid on the couch. (A/N dirty people)

“Niall?!” I was shock at the sight of him. Where the hell was he?

“What happened?” I asked Zayn.

“I found him drenched on the damn porch. That little bastard.” He shook his head disbelievingly. I sighed at the sleeping Niall. He has a lot of things to explain when he gets up.

I quickly went to the kitchen and made some soup for all of us. Considering it was a rainy day- no scratch that, stormy day- We might as well eat something warm.

And this is where I remember my dream.

“Just look” Nai’s voice messes with my head. Where the hell am I suppose to look? I can’t even remember his last name for crying out loud. Where to I start finding him?

“Pau? Paulaaa” Harry waved his hands on my face. I slap them away and glared at him.

“You zoned out for like 15 minutes, what is up?” He asked, taking a seat at the counter.

“None of your business” I retorted.

“Paulaaaaaaaaaaaa” He whined.

“Shut up Harry” I growled.

“Come on! I’m your best buddy, you can tell me anything” He encouraged me. HELL N- Okay fine, I give up.

“Okay fine” I rolled my eyes as Harry does a stupid dance.

“I’m looking for someone but I don’t know where to start” I admitted.

“And who is this someone? Jos-”

“Not him!” I snapped. Harry looks taken aback and I felt guilty for raising my voice at him.

“I’m sorry, I-I just don’t like being reminded of him, you know?” I said and he nods in understanding.

“So who is this ‘someone’?” He asks.


“Soup? GIVE ME SOME” Louis practically ran and tackled me before I could even finish me sentence.

“You know Lou, you can have some WITHOUT TACKLING ME” I spat, pushing him off me. He stuck out his tongue at me like the immature brat he is.

“Pau, he’s awake” Zayn walks in the kitchen to tell me. I nod and follow him outside. Niall was healthy, that was good at least, but something was wrong- different in him. He’s too happy for my liking. Like seriously, his face can be compared to the sun, its glowing.

“Niall, what the hell happened?” I asked, kneeling down beside him on the couch. He doesn’t respond. He just smiled like he was looking back at a good memory.

“I just found the purpose of my life” He grinned.

“Which is.....?” I trailed off. And you know what shocked me? He winked at me.

Who the hell does that?



Omg. I miss doing the authors note :’(

I haven’t been writing for like 2 months I think? So yeah, I hope you like the edit ;)



I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN OH MY GOSHHH. I just miss doing this a lot! Lol.


So go and comment up babies!

And don’t forget to vote as well <33333333

Love ya lots :*

-xInfiniteStars xo

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