Chapter 13- do you still love me? ((edited))

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6 months.

It’s been 6 months since I asked space from Niall, since he cheated on me, since he kissed me one last time on the wall. I didn’t even bother thinking about him, even talking about him. I can’t avoid him, not to mention he’s famous along with the other lads here in London. You can see him everywhere. That’s a fact.

 Although I miss those moments we had together, every memory we had created, the mornings I wake up seeing him first. Yes, those mornings I wake up either seeing him, his warm breath on my face and his hands on my waist or a post-it note waiting by the alarm clock. Now, I wake up seeing a grey-painted ceiling, no more Niall, his warm breaths and hands on my waist, no more post-it notes sitting by the alarm clock. All there is to see in my room is grey-painted walls, floor and ceiling, a bed and a side table with an alarm clock. At first I thought I’ll never get use to this, but I proved myself wrong. I could get use to this, no, I am use to this. I don’t care if he isn’t here anymore. He was a crap that needs to be forgotten, but this is a statement I would never get use to: forgetting him. I remember our first monthsary; it was also the day they had to record their bonus tracks. And because he wasn’t there to be with me when I wake up, he always uses post-it notes, but this time, it was different. I woke up and saw more than a hundred of post-it notes pasted on the wall, things that are written are:

‘I love you!’

Je t’aime’


And other pick-up lines or quotes. Tears of happiness floods my face, I was blushing and crying at the same time, weird.

I started to cry in real time now. I stood up and grabbed my phone from my pocket, there was a new message. I opened it and stopped walking as I saw it, my eyes stayed locked on the screen. Is this true? I ask myself. This is stupid. Would I go? Why did he want to meet me anyway? I should come, but then leave at once. I should show him that I’m still me, headstrong and cheerful, and that I can survive without him. But it’s just a plain lie, I cry myself to bed every night, even now. I wipe away my tears and started walking towards the pastry shop he wants to meet with me in.

What's the message?

From: the cheating mofo

Please meet me at the bakery downtown. I really need to talk to you. Please. I beg you.

As I walk on the wet road, I remember the day I asked for space, and what happened after that.



What happened? I guess I’ m not that updated. A lot of things have already happened, and I wasn’t here to know.

I pat Paula’s back, calming her down. She just ran to me through the hallway. She was calmly telling me everything just a while ago, and now, she’s on a breakdown.

“Breath, inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale” I say as she removes her head from my shoulders. She does so.

“Where have you been anyway? I haven’t seen you in weeks.” She said when I succeeded calming her down for the second time.

“I’ve been, um,” I rub the back of my neck.

“What?” She smiles at my shyness.

“Dating” I said quickly. Her smile reaches her ears. For the public, we’re not dating anymore, why? I was too stupid to say no when an interviewer asked ‘You were dating Paula Cowell, your manager Simon’s niece, right?’ And I said no. Stupid, right? It’s perfectly fine now, our girls were happier than before, cause’ I’m single.

Last First Kiss // n.h.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon