Chapter 15- let me go. ((edited))

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ZAP: From break-up to Engagement?

One Direction member Zayn Malik recently broke up with his Little Mix’s girlfriend, Perrie Edwards. According to reports, he has been dating a Hollywood superstar namely Marie Cowell, who also is the twin sister of his band mate Niall Horan’s girlfriend, Paula Cowell. A few days ago, Malik and Edwards did a twitcam together and announced to all watching, that they are engaged. Edwards even showed her ring on her right hand. We even tried to get Cowell’s point of view of this matter but she just smiles and says ‘Who are Zayn and Perrie? I've never met them’ Obviously Cowell’s faking amnesia. Reports also said that the cause of the Malik and Edwards break-up is Cowell herself, making Malik fall for her charm and push Edwards goodbye. But, Cowell defends herself saying she never did such thing and it was Malik’s decision to break the relationship between him and Edwards. However, the question is, why did Malik ask for Edward’s hand when he was dating Cowell? Clearly they already broke up but why? Because of Edwards? Tune in to find out what happens next.

Marie’s POV—

I make myself look presentable as I grab my Fitch jacket as I walk outside. I plan on going to Paula’s but why? I don’t know either. I just wanted to know if I could find comfort with her. I needed somebody now and that is not that piece of crap Malik. I walk down the stairs as I put my aviators on, I hail a cab and directed the driver to Paula’s condominium. I walk straight upstairs because I know where her room is. I take a deep breath before I knock on the door. A charming Paula opens the door. Her smile reaches from one ear to the other. But that smile fades away when I took my aviators off.

“Marie?” She asks, I stay there, biting my lower lip.

“Come in” She says after a long pause. She looked at me pitifully and couldn’t help but sigh. I guess she already has read the article. I walk right to her couch and make myself comfortable.

“Milk, Coffee or Tea, which do you fancy?” She asks.

“The usual please” I try to smile, but I can’t. This is overwhelming you know. I never dreamt of sitting on her couch and waiting for her to bring me her home-made tea which I loved ever since middle school.

“Here you go” She said, handing down a tray of tea on the table. She sits down on the couch adjacent to mine.

“So…” She starts off.

“I’m here because I needed you” I explained.

“Needed me?” Paula laughs like an old man.

“Yes” I said, breaking the silliness in the air down.

“And for what reason is this?” She asks as she grabs her teacup from the tray.

“I…I needed comfort, and I think I…I can have it with you” I said shyly. This is my entire fault, can you not see? But I never regretted doing this. This was a genius plan I made quite years ago. A few months before Paula left. And it was all going well, slowly though. I’m here in London for one thing. And that is to bring Paula down. She’s been stealing my fame away and I can perfectly see that. I don’t envy her; I’m just fighting for my rights. And it is my right to bring back what was mine.

“You know, I adore you” She says out of nowhere. It was a fascinating compliment.

“And why is that?” I ask, I smile to the compliment. You might think I’m sweet for approaching my sister but I’m the opposite. I’m mean. I’m using her. And I admit that.

“Because you’re brave, confident and strong, I mean, you moved on that easily.” She smiles weakly. My body shivers on the words moved on. I haven’t. Although I act like I did, but my actions are more or less lies. I was speechless.

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