Chapter 5- a friendly visit ((edited))

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Chapter 5


“Niall,” Someone whispered to my ear then nudged me.

“Mhm?” I murmured through the pillows.

“NIALL WAKE UP!” A high-pitched voice shouted at my ear.

I stood up straight and massaged my ears. I looked around and the lads were there, except Zayn.

“What’s happenin’?” I asked, I took a second look around and noticed that Paula isn’t beside me.

“And where’s Paula?” I asked before Harry could open his mouth to speak.

“Uncle Simon’s calling for us, and Paula woke up pretty early to meet up with him” Liam answered.

“Okay, we better get—”

“Here, Paula left us a note; it’s posted on the refrigerator.” Harry said, interrupting and  handing me a post-it note.

It said:

Hey lads!

I’m sorry I couldn’t cook our breakfast today. It’s because Simon wanted me to be in his office first thing in the morning.  So I ordered pizza. Hope you like it!

                                                                                                                                    Paula xx


*Niall, I’m sorry I didn’t wake you up baby, you look too sleepy and adorable too (; I’ll see you soon (: I love you babe!

I smiled at the note.

“Let’s go, I’ll wake up Zayn” Louis suggested. We all nod and went down to the kitchen to see a delicious pizza waiting at the table. We ate it all up and went back to our rooms to change bath and change our clothes. We all went down at once and went straight to SyCo.


“UNCLE!” we all said in unison, one at a time hugging him. I was the last one to hug him and right behind him, I saw Paula. I rushed to her and hugged her.

“Hey babe, I told you I’ll see you soon!” She whispered, staring at my eyes. I just smiled.

“Alright boys,” Simon said, returning back to his chair. The lads grabbed their own chair while Paula gave me a peck on the lips then went back to her original chair. I found myself a chair and sat on it.

“I have three good news, one for you lads and two for Paula.” Simon continued.

“We also have good news Uncle” Paula said, looking at us, smiling.

“Okay then, we can tell each alternatively.” He said.

“I start, Paula,” Simon said, turning to Paula from us.

“Your EP has reached millions sold copies!” Simon said. We all clapped our hands and said ‘congratulations’ to her.

“Our first good news is, WE ALREADY FINISHED THE ALBUM AND WE ARE SO READY TO PASS IT TO THE MANAGEMENT!” Paula announced happily.

“Really? Congratulations boys, we just have to make a music video for little things!” Simon said after congratulating us.

“Okay, this next good news is for the lads,” He said, looking at us from right to left.

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