Chapter 29- apologize. ((edited))

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Today’s a big day. Zayn arranged an engagement party for us in the lad’s house. Yeah. We’re getting married. If you guessed right, cookies for you.

Why do I sound down?

I’ll tell you why.

I still feel guilty. And jealous, just a tad bit. Of Paula. No, I don’t like Niall, if that’s what you’re thinking.  I’m jealous of their relationship. How strong they are. It’s been months since the Cody incident. And they’re happy again. Guilty why? Because I did so much to them. It pains me to see Zayn hurt when I— on purpose – cheated on him. I had to. I don’t know why envy got the best of me. I knew breaking Paula and Niall would bring her down, and it did. But it broke me too. How? Zayn drifted away from me. And I wished it didn’t hurt for my part. But it did. So much.

“You okay babe?” Zayn asked. I nod slowly.

“No you’re not” He raised his eyebrow.

“I said I am” I retorted, totally pissed. Zayn turned his head to the right, nodded and walked away. Paula sat next to me.

“What do you want?” Remember the emotions I told you a while ago? Well, they’re getting into me again. Control Marie. I’m pissed, clear in my voice.

“Calm down honey, you should be happy. This is your engagement party!” Paula told me. She’s right. I should be happy. But that will only happen when I do one thing.



Zayn looked at me across the room and I already understood by his look. We’ve been doing this for months. I cocked my eyebrow and he nodded. I took a deep breath and turned to Niall on my left.

“I’ll be back” I whispered to him and kissed his cheek. He gave me his warm smile and I walked towards Marie on the couch. I sat next to her.

“What do you want?” She was understandably pissed. But why?

“Calm down honey, you should be happy. This is your engagement party!” I tried to calm her. She was thinking. Her face looked confused. What is she thinking about? I looked at the next table and Zayn looks at me with a hopeful face. I just shrugged at him, saying Marie isn’t fine yet. I hear Marie next to me let out a deep breath. I turn back to her and smiled. She looked at me with sadness in her face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I have to talk to you, privately.” She said quietly. I nod and she took me to Zayn’s room upstairs. I sat on the bed and so did she.

“Now, what’s wrong?” I asked again. She sighed and started speaking, but was eventually cut off by a drunken Louis barging into the room.

“HEEEEEEEY!” He greeted slurry.

“Hey Lou, now will you plea—” I was cut off.

“OH MY HOLY ASS WHY IS THERE TWO PAULAS? NO PAULA! YOU FOUND YOUR DOPPELGANGER! NO DON’T TOUCH! THE WORLD WILL END! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Louis shouted slamming the door and telling everyone I met my doppelganger. Typical drunk Louis. Now, going back.

(a/n hit the vote button right now! pwease? You're done? Thanks bby Ilysm)

“Okay, so. I don’t honestly know how to start this but,” She said, trailing off. “Look, I’m really, really sorry for what I’ve done. I’ve pestered you for so long, practically your whole life” She laughed a bit. “I’m sorry. I wish I haven’t done this to you. My whole life consisted of me, wanting to have all the fame, popularity and attention. And it was wrong. The night I kissed Niall, it was the worst night of my life. I lost everything after that. I lost Zayn. I lost myself. And most especially, I lost you.”

I’m on the verge of crying at this moment. “But jealousy clouded over me. I had the want to take away the fame from you. I always envied you, ever since we were both young. You would always get the attention from Mom and Dad. You were the honor student. You have a really hot best friends” We both laughed.

I remember once at Mullingar, Niall walked me home and Marie asked who he was and I said he was my best friend. I heard her mutter ‘he’s hot’. He also did it to Harry. Which made me laugh more.

“But lately, I knew I had to be contented. Especially when Zayn proposed to me. He made me feel contented. Like I’m the happiest girl on earth. And lately, also, I felt nothing but guilt. I’m sorry sis. Your life wouldn’t be in such mess without my plans.” She was crying.

“Marie. First of all, I forgive you, sec—” I was cut off by my sister.

“You what? Are you kidding me? After all I’ve done you’re going to forgive me?” She exclaimed.

“Marie! What is the point of your apology speech if I won’t forgive you?” I laughed at her. “Anyway, as I was saying, second, if you didn’t pursue your plans, would you meet the man you’ll be marrying in a matter of months? This was all God’s plan for us Marie, can’t you see? True, you’ve pestered me for a long while, but you made me strong and cope with all the hates, rejections and pain. I love you Marie.” I hugged her tightly.

“I love you too” She replied between sobs. The door swung open and a familiar voice spoke.

“Oh, Am I interrupting something?” Marie and I pulled from the hug and wiped our tears.

“No shit Sherlock” I spat at Niall who was leaning by the doorframe. Marie rolled her eyes.

“I better go with my lazy ass boyfriend” I went to Niall and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“You go enjoy the night with your fiancé” I smiled at the thought. My sister is finally getting married. Sigh. Even though I was the first one who got out of our mother’s womb, she still was the first to get married. Ew. That was gross.

“I love you, do you know that?” Niall whispered as we look at the stars. We are lying on the grass. He uses my stomach as a pillow while I play with his hair. I tug on the dirty blond hair and gained a moan from Niall.

“What was that?” I laughed at his reaction. Niall just kept quiet.

“You still haven’t answered my question” He said flatly.

“Of course I do, How about you, do you know that I love you?” I asked him back.

“No” I raised my eyebrow at his answer. I tug his hair and a moan came.

“What was that again?” I challenged him.

“A moan, smartass” He hissed. I started standing up but he grabbed my hand.

“I’m sorry okay?” He pulled me back to my position.

“You like that?” I asked, smiling at his reaction.

“Like what?” He asked. Oh, playing with me, huh? I tug his hair continuously. At first he bit his lip to stop the moan. But as I continue, he let out tons of moans. I chuckled quietly.

“WHAT IN THE WORLD?” I hear Harry rush to us, eyes wide open.

“What?” I asked. Then something hit me. Niall laughed at him.

“Do you actually think we were doing something?” I can’t hold back my laughter. Harry’s face was pink. He awkwardly walked away and I just realized Niall’s laugh was the best sound I’ve ever heard.

“Yes” He said out of the blue.

“Excuse me?” I thought I said something.

“I know that you love me” Silence came. Oh. How idiotic of me, he was referring to my question earlier.

“Paula if I ask you something, would you say yes?” I was startled by this. What question is it?

“Depending on what question it is.”

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