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Mornings for Lisa had never been the same since she met Jisoo in Thailand and they had that time to be together. It's not because of the things they have done in bed, but the after effect of just waking up with the girl either in her arms peacefully snuggled in her chest or when the petite girl is literaly sprawled over her, one leg in her limbs and arms falling to the side of the bed, even almost her head is on edge. It has been euphoric and calming despite the worry in her chest.

And this morning, seeing Jisoo's gorgeous face brings back all the memories and the feelings she had during that one morning in Thailand where it all started. It doesn't make any sense to her how Jisoo affects her that way. She knows (or so she thought) she's no longer capable of feeling romantically attached to someone after what happened to her. Although she admits admiring Jisoo, she has told herself so many times that that could be it. Nothing more than an admiration.

"Stop staring, Lali. I could feel you.", Jisoo rasps, smilingly.

"Wow, I'm impressed. I didn't know you have that power to see despite eyes closed.", the girl chuckled while giving kisses to Jisoo's hair. "Good morning.", she adds.

Jisoo moves away a little and stretches her arms, with a yell, "Eeeyyyaaaahhh!", and goes back to facing Lisa, greeting her with a "Morning to you too."

"What do you plan to do today?"

"Hmmm I need coffee. That's always the first in my mornings.", Jisoo states while sitting and resting her back in the bed board. Lisa does the same.

"Okay, that's noted. Mine would be tea and a sandwich.",

"Duly noted too. Okay! Let's head to the kitchen then and see if we have any.", the petite invites and immediately hops off her bed, walks towards her mirror and lazily ties her wavy hair in her bunny ponytail, leaving Lisa staring at her exposed (tempting and sexy) neck.

"Calm down Lisa. Calm down!", her inner naughty self reminded her, so she could avert her eyes from the temptation that's presenting itself. She hops out of bed and fixes herself too.

After some time, they head towards the kitchen and Jisoo volunteered to do the work, rummaging through her fridge and thankfully, it did not embarrass her to her visitor.

While preparing the sandwich, Lisa heard the doorbell and Jisoo asked for her to get it. And so she hops out of the high chair and walks towards the door. She was met with a girl who she never expected to see in that place, and maybe the new visitor thought of the same thing towards her.

"Oh hi, Dr. Kang.", Lisa states, lost for another word to say.

Seulgi eyes her from head to toe and quirks a brow towards her before she found her own voice to answer back.

"Oh hi, Lisa, right?", and Lisa nods. "I--I..uhmm is Jisoo there?"

"Oh yes, I'm sorry. Come in please."

And behind her was Jisoo already walking towards them.

"Oohhh Seul, you're early! Didn't know you'll drop by. Come in, please."

And Seulgi, a plastic of two coffe cups in her hand, walks awkwardly past Lisa and towards Jisoo. With her free hand, she hugs Jisoo by her waist and give the petite a kiss in her cheeks.

"Well, I had my early jog arounfd the area and I thought of bringing you coffee since I know it's your free day. I didn't know you have a visitor."

"Oh yeah, Lisa and I decided to have a sleepover to catch up on things. Thanks for the coffee and come join us for breakfast. I was just preparing."

As Jisoo closes the door, she held Lisa's hand who has been eyeing them on the side and pulled them both to the kitchen.

Seulgi sits across Lisa, an awkward silence between them, while Jisoo prepares another sandwich for Seulgi, talking and asking Seulgi or Lisa from time to time, oblivious of the fact that, at times, the two girls behind her are having an intense staring contest, subtly assessing each other.

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