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Jisoo's family is so cool! After breakfast, we prepared to go to the beach. Jisoo told me that her parents own a small cabin in a private villa in a beachfront. And they have a Hummer and a pull cart where two jetskis would fit. Jisoo packed out things since we're spending the night there while I asked permission if I could help her Dad and Jin to fix other things to bring.

I am glad she invited me. This is one break I really needed, and Jisoo needed too. One reason I'm happy too is the fact that the villa or the cabin only has three rooms. Jisoo and I will surely share. Innocent grin coming through!!

After we settled and changed into our swimming clothes, Jisoo is still inside changing though, I couldn't help myself to be more excited seeing the jetskis laid down to the water. Jetskiing is my favorite water activity. Back in Thailand I would do it for almost the whole day. It's exhilarating and it just makes me feel so free.

Me, Uncle Ji Hoon, Auntie Min Ah, and Dara are happily waiting for Jisoo at the porch of the cabin. Jin is already at the beachfront and flirtily talking to a tourist. Well, he is good-looking anyway.

"Jin your eldest son needs his milk, your youngest daughter too! Your other four kids need to change their clothes now. Your wife is looking for you with a whip in her hand!!", Dara shouted towards Jin. The girl she was talking to had wide eyes and immediately stomp her feet, walking away from the embarrassed and hissing Kim.

We laughed out so hard that it pissed him even more. He walked back to the porch whining at her eldest sister.


"What?? Do you want Chungha to know you are flirting with tourists?", Dara tested.

"What!? No!! I was actually glad you informed that girl. I told her I am taken but she was just persistent in getting a date with me!", he sarcastically snickered.

We burst into laughters again because of their banters. Moments passed and I heard footsteps from inside and I turn to see and gasp in horror as I see Jisoo coming out.

"Oohhh no no no!! You're not going out in that!!", I said loudly, startling Jisoo's parents. I immediately crossed my arms to my chest and firmly stood at the entrance of the cabin.

"What?? Why??", Jisoo asks in confusion.

Oh my saints!! She's wearing a black adidas shorts (the shortest one) paired with a thin-strapped bikini bra.

"Jisoo it's too revealing!", I hissed. Revealing her perfectly carved curved body with all her glorious abs.

"But I'm wearing shorts! And my top isn't even revealing."

"No! Go back and change into your rashguard! I won't let you get out of here in that outfit. For God sake Jisoo people will ogle at your body. Please don't argue with me on this.", I continue to grit under my breath. My eyes are pleading for her to go back inside and change, but my stance is firm.


Jisoo looks at the people outside and sees her father nod at her. Her mother smiling at her too. Then she looks at Lisa, poutily and stomps her feet towards the room again.

"Very well, we'll go ahead Lisa. Wait for Jisoo. We'll just be there.", Ji Hoon exclaims. But before they step out of the porch, the old man steps closer to Lisa. "Thank you for looking after the welfare of my daughter.", with a gentle smile. Lisa bows respectfully and blushes at the compliment.

Few minutes and Jisoo is out, still glaring at Lisa.

"Don't be mad at me, Love. I just don't want other people to look at you sensually, okay? The guys would definitely drool over you once they see you."

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