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It was a huge mistake. A huge misunderstanding. Nevertheless, Jisoo hopes it could be fixed by proper communication. It should be.

That is, if Lisa wants to talk to her.

Minnie did not let her go near Lisa when she decided to try the restaurant. Lisa was there but did not go out once she saw her getting in the front door. She could see that Minnie is so apologetic for not allowing her. Her loyalty to Lisa comes first this time and Jisoo understands.

Failing to talk to Lisa that day accompanied by her raging headache, Jisoo decided to head home and get some rest, or else it would be a flu coming to her.

By night, when she felt a little better with two pills of pain relievers, she drove off to Minnie's place, expecting Lisa to be there. Under the pouring rain, she ran towards the front door and knocked. Minnie had just messaged her that she won't be home due to some personal reasons. The last thing Lisa said to her was that she would head home and rest. And so Jisoo gambled going there.

Another knock and nothing. Either Lisa is already asleep or that the Thai girl already knows it's probably her so she kept ignoring her. She tried a couple of knocks more and nothing. She went back to her car and dialled Lisa in her last hope of being able to talk to the younger. Still nothing. Desperation and frustration hit her and she tossed her phone to the side.

Going home soaked in rain water and under the chilly night was never a good idea. Flu hit her and by the time she got home, she was burning and aching.

Ironic, though, that despite being a doctor and knowing the consequences of having a fever, flu headache and bodyaches, she refuses to bring herself to the hospital. Instead, she settled for a paracetamol and sleep, no food. So it's no wonder that by the next morning, she feels shittier. Nonetheless, she went to work.

"Unni, don't be stubborn, hardheaded!! You're burning and you look so pale!! I'm going to call you in for a room and be admitted. You can't even bring yourself to stand up."

Jisoo just groaned, her head settled in her office table. Chaeyoung was right. Her flu escalated and she couldn't bring herself to walk properly, more so, she could feel her body burning. She's hot, really really hot.

"I'm fine guys. No need to fuss! It's just fever.", Jisoo exclaims. "And besides, you know I hate hospital rooms. I'd rather stay in my house and rest."

"How ironic, a doctor who doesn't want hospital rooms. But anyway, if you don't want to be admitted then just go home! Shoooo! You're spreading virus here Dr. Jichu!!", Jennie commands the sicl physician.

Jisoo can't say anything because her body feels heavier and heavier by the minute, a sign that she's really sick and can't deny it. She'll just be a burden in the area and might also infect others.
So she went home after lunch, involuntarily, after Jennie technically dragged her out of the hospital, into the car and was drove off to her apartment. She couldn't thank Jennie enough for the ride home. Once alone, she dragged her feet up her apartment and went straight to bed and to dreamland.

At the restaurant, Lisa is silently having lunch with Minnie.

"You haven't talked to her?", Minnie breaks the ice.

"Nope. But she came to the house last night. But I didn't go out and I didn't let her in. She left after couple minutes of knocking."

"Whaat? You're heartless Lisa!!", the other exclaims in complete shock and wide eyes. Lisa just shrugged it off.

Just a moment passed and her phone rang. It was Irene, so she answered.

"Hey Irene, what's up?"

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