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"She's smiling again. She's gone really crazy.", Minnie comments as she and her sister Sorn see Lisa behind the counter so focused at her phone.

"And now she's giggling by herself. And she hasn't even noticed that we're here. We gotta send help for our friend.", Sorn adds.

"Hey Lisa, care to give us some of your time instead of just with your phone?", Minnie teases when they were just a meter away from Lisa.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't notice you girls are here."

"That's because you're so engrossed with your phone. It's only 9 in the morning and here you are smiling from ear to ear. It's the doctor again, right?", Minnie asks what she knows for sure is the answer.

"Come on guys. Don't be such buzz kills. It's already 11 in Seoul and it's not always that we get to message each other as she is so busy with her work."

"Yeah yeah, whatever Lisa. What's really the score between you two then? It's been a month since you went home from the airport after you sent her off and you were crying over the phone when you called us.", Sorn asks.

"Tsss! Do you really need to remind me of how I was been?", Lisa scoffs.

"Well, you sounded like a lost child or who was really brokenhearted. And here you are smiling like a stupid lover.", Sorn, again.

"I've told you so many times we're just friends."

"We say we're just friends, but friends don't know the way you taste la la la la..", Minnie sings a lyric of Camila Cabello's Señorita to make point and Lisa understood what she was trying.

Yes, she may have told them about what really happened between them during their trips. And so it was easy for the sisters to assume that there's something between her and Jisoo. Sadly, there's none.

"Minnie, what we had was just... physical. Nothing more, nothing less.", Lisa explains, a little sadness in her voice.

"But you wish there's something more, am I right? You like her! It shows Lisa. You haven't been the same since you met her and since she left. You're just denying it because you're scared you might be rejected."

"Okay okay! I admit I like her. She's a likeable person. But I can't pursue her not because I'm scared of rejection. You perfectly know why I can't, at this point, be committed to something or someone other than this restaurant."

"Oh that reason again.", Minnie states knowingly.

"But Lisa it has been years. You've paid for your mistakes in the past. You got the restaurant back and it's running smoothly now. And I guess your father already forgave you.", Sorn points out.

"My father hasn't been the same towards me after I fucked up. I can't risk that thing happening again. I won't be able to live with my parents' disappointment again."

"Don't be hard on yourself, Lisa. It was a mistake and you already paid for it. Falling in love isn't a crime.", Sorn consoles the young girl.

"Yeah it isn't but the way I handled things, so fucked up and I compromised almost everything that my parents had treasured. They trusted me and I broke that because I fell in love."

"It's all in the past now. You've grown, matured and I'm sure your parents know that. You can't deny yourself from loving. That's a crime!", Minnie exclaims.

"Yeah yeah! Enough with your preachings. It isn't as if Jisoo would jump into a relationship with me just because I just said I like her."

"You'll never know, Lisa.", Sorn quips.

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