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I press the doorbell to her house once and did it again for the second when I did't get any response. Few minutes more and still no response, I tried buzzing again, my knees fidgeting in anxiety.

When I tried for the fourth one, thank God someone spoke in the monitor and asked who I was. Maybe Irene's housemaid.

I told the young lady my name and asked if Irene is home. And she said she is. After few seconds, I heard the gates unlock and I was led inside her modest home. Irene stands in the middle of her living room.

"You really came.", she said amused.

"I told you I'm picking her up. Where is she?"

"In my room, cozily sleeping. And I even changed her clothes.", Irene smirks and I inhaled deeply to prevent from snapping. "I'm kidding. You should've seen your face. You're about to pounce at me just hearing Lisa's in my room.", Irene chuckles before standing up. "Follow me, she's in the guestroom."

And so, I followed the girl upstairs to the last room of the three rooms. She really is rich, having a home this big for herself. I was kidding when I said her home is modest. It's above average actually.

"Why did you even bother to get her upstairs. I clearly said I'm picking her up. You could've just let her lie down in the living room."

"Well, next time I'll trust your words. And besides, I can't bear seeing her all slumped in the couch when I have a comfortable guestroom here.", the girl said and she doesn't even have the slightest idea that what she's saying is irritating me so much.

"But why are you annoyed? At least she's looking after Lisa.", my brain asked me and I immediately shut it.

As she opens the door, I see Lisa comfortably lying in the bed, still with her pants and t-shirt. I had the chance to scan her whole body for whatever.

"Calm down. I didn't touch her or try to undress her to change her clothes.", Irene again quips and I just scoffed at her, feeling a little embarrassed that I was caught scanning Lisa. It's actually an automatic reaction for a doctor.

I walked towards the bed and tap Lisa's arm, trying to wake her up.

"Hey, Lis. It's Jisoo. Come on I'm taking you home."

No response.

"Lisa..Lisa wake up. We're going home.", I said, a little louder and shook her body a little harder. That got me a groan and Lisa fluttering her eyes towards me.

"Oohhh..hiiiiiii Jisshoooo! Nice..sheeiiing hyooo!"

"Yeah. Nice seeing you too. Come on, let's get you home, Baby."

Lisa tries to stand up and I help her. Thank God she won't make this hard for me.

"Ooohhh Irene!! Niiiceee sheeeing you hoo!!" Lisa funnily waves at Irene who stand close to the bed. Irene walks towards the bed and helps Lisa get up. We guided her downstairs, not minding her blabbers. Despite the two of us, it wasn't that easy since drunk Lisa is really heavy and we basically have to drag her down and out of the house.

"Hoooohh!!", I huffed out once I set Lisa in the passenger seat, already half asleep but still blabbering. "The next time she asks you to have a drink, kindly turn her down or don't ever let her get this drunk! She's so wasted.", I said to Irene hissing.

"Why would I prevent her from getting wasted? She wanted to unwind. And besides, I got her home safely. If you want to act like a goody goody girlfriend like you're acting now, you better take care of her and not other people. And you don't actually get to say that since you're the reason why she's drunk.", Irene retorts and before I could ask and react, she walks back in to her house.

Crossroad || A LiSoo Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang