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"Please go to table 14 and take their orders!"

"On it Boss!"

"Table 2 is billing out!"

"On it Boss!"

"Boss, the supplies are arriving, will you be checking them?"

"Kindly tell Manager Jung to take care of them. And please tell him to bring the investory lists, the ledger and the monthly report."

"Yes Boss."

Lisa notices customers from the nearby table calling for the attention of staffs available, but no one was available because of the influx of customers. So, she decided to personally assist them.

"For table 3 please.", Lisa hands her staff the piece of paper where she wrote the order of table 3. She then sighs to relieve some of her exhaustion.

Minnie and Sorn had asked for longer leave since their family had an extended vacation in L.A..Lisa had been personally manning the place almost everyday even if she has managers to do that. She tries to drown herself at work so she wouldn't have time to think of so many things that could hurt her or change her mind.

She had finally decided to let Jisoo go. She wanted to try harder but Jisoo doesn't seem to want that. She had decided that she won't be that person who keeps on pestering other people. She doesn't want to be the cause of Jisoo's stress. She wants to save the good image she had left, even if it was just too little anymore.

It has been a week since she stopped herself from trying to see Jisoo. Two weeks in hell and a lot of days more to be in it. But she will push through. She's broken, she's yearning, but she has to go through everything. If only she could just leave the restaurant and go back to Thailand she would. But she wouldn't want to disappoint her father again. So she has no choice but to stay and endure.

She refuses to see any of their common friends. Irene would barge in the restaurant without informing her to make sure she'd see her there because she won't take her calls or accept invitations for a dinner or simple snack. She knows the older is worried about her. Lisa had told her of her decision and Irene respected it after long discussions of other possibilities.

One time, she locked her office from everyone for a couple of hours because Jisoo and their friends dined in. Like a kid, she tried very hard to hide. One of their staffs told her that Chaeyoung asked for her. Good thing the staff was smart enough to cover for her and told the group that she isn't available because of a videoconference with her father. Until they left, Lisa never went out.

After her whole day's work, she'll go home to an empty house. When she's alone, everything comes back to her and all she could do is just cry and resort to liquor just to keep her mellowed and unfocused until she falls asleep.


"You can't keep yourself here all the time. You're killing yourself with work."

"Not true. Minnie and Sorn are still not here. I have to be here. I have no choice, you know that."

"Don't lie to me Lisa. Uncle Do told me that he told you to get some rest but you refused. He also told me that you don't have to be here all the time since you have managers and supervisors to do some of the works."

Lisa stops from what she's doing in her laptop and looks at the girl in front of her. When she did she had goosebumps all over seeing the Irene glare at her.

"Look, Irene, I know you're worried about me but I'm telling you I'm fine. Working here makes me happy. It keeps my mind off...things."

"But it's too much. You seldom go out. You don't join us for a drink or dinner."

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