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Jennie came rushing thru Jisoo's door once she was out of the lift. She was worried that Jisoo might be in trouble or something when a few minutes ago she got a call from her bestfriend asking for help. She didn't need one more second to get out of bed and abandon any plans on savoring her day off with so much sleep. She ran out of the house after gathering her things and drove off to Jisoo's apartment.

She buzzed in fervently until she heard the locks click open. Her brows quirked up seeing Jisoo being all so fine and unbothered by any issue.

"Hi Jen! Come in. I'm sorry to bother you, but I really need help with something.", Jisoo shyly states.

Jennie pads inside the house and followed Jisoo to her bedroom where bunch of clothes are dumped and scattered.

"Now tell me what is going on Chu? Are you going on a vacation again??", Jen asked confusedly.

Jisoo was biting down her lip and Jennie knew her bestfriend is either anxious, excited or seducing. Of course the last one is off the list.

"Tell me Chu.", Jennie urges while taking a seat at the edge of the bed while Jisoo stands fidgeting in front of her closet.

"Well... you see.. uhmmm..Lisa...invited me to dinner tonight....with her parents.", the poor girl starts, and Jennie already has mocking smirk in her face that makes it even harder for Jisoo to continue.

"And you want to look nice in front of her parents, so you called me to help you with what to wear? Am I correct Chu??"

Jisoo was torn between hating her friend because obviously her words are laced with teases and playfulness, or to be thankful because she understands fully what she needs.

So, slowly, Jisoo nods in affirmation.

"Wow!! The great goddess of beauty and confidence in the operating tables is now in a mess because she doesn't know what to wear for a dinner with her future in-laws.", Jennie giggles more, which earned her a thrown blouse.

"Come on Jendeukie!! You got to help me!! I've met her parents in Thailand and they're good and well-mannered people. I don't want to disappoint them. But shut it with the future in-laws thing. It's not because of that, because Lisa and I are just friends. I just don't want to look like a mess."

"I get it, I get it Chu! Of course I'll help you. I don't want my bestfriend disappointing her future...."

She wasn't able to finish it because now a pillow shut her up. And both of them giggled. When both of them are out of their dorkiness, Jennie asked her.

"What time is the dinner?"

"8pm but she'll pick me up at 7:30pm.", Jisoo answered. And Jennie was happy seeing her bestfriend with the glow she never had after Seulgi and her broke up. And maybe, as she observed, the glow in Jisoo's face is way brighter than when she was with Seulgi. But she will not voice it out until Jisoo finds it out herself.

"Okay, still plenty of time. It's just 2pm. What type of dinner would they have? The formal, less formal or what?"

"I...actually haven't asked that and Lisa didn't mention.", Jisoo looked troubled.

"Call her. Better ask her so we would be sure.", the younger urges and then stands up to study the scattered clothes in the bed.


I could just shake her head. This is the first time I had seen Jisoo this troubled with what to wear in a dinner party. Well, maybe the second time. The first was when Seulgi invited her for a dinner with her parents at their place. But they were already together then. This time, she's being like this for a friend, as she claims it.

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