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Jisoo didn't eat her pancakes nor touched her coffee and she has been all grumpy since early morning when Lisa fetched her at the hospital. She hasn't been talking to the younger girl even when Lisa was telling her that she has to run out for a while to meet Minnie for a short meeting at the restaurant and was waiting for a "goodbye kiss" and she only told her to just go and to drive safely.

It has been few days to a week after their little "liking each other confession" and Lisa has been in frequent sleepovers at Jisoo's house. Basically, it was almost everytime that Jisoo's home at night. Minnie and Sorn know the drill and they're happy about the two.

There has been a lot of changes between the two. More publicly affectionate, but not disgusting cringey tyoe of public display. And Lisa has been making more efforts for Jisoo and the latter does the same. Both have been going out of their way to do something for the other. Losa has been consistent in sending and fetching Jisoo to amd from the hospital, or bringing something for her when she has her breaks, flower, chocolates, park dates, chickem skewers galore and a lot more, that is evidently sweeping Jisoo off her feet. On the other hand, to compensate for lack of sufficient time, Jisoo always makes time to cook something for the younger and bring it to her workplace, join her for breakfast or lunch, and at home, she makes sure she pampers her with hot bath, her favorite hot choco, or a bowl of her favorite fruits after a sumptous meal. She would always find time, even in their short calls, to listen to Lisa's concerns and worries regarding the upcoming opening and she makes sure to try to cheer her up whenever the younger feels down.

In their private and intimate moments, Jisoo always gives in to Lisa's passionate kisses, but both of them had never went beyond hot and prolonged make-outs.

But today, none of it mattered to Jisoo. She's pissed and she couldn't hide it anymore. And for what reason?

Irene and Lisa's shenanigans. The operation "Make Seulgi Even More Jealous, But Avoid Being Punched." devised by Irene herself and conceded to by the younger. Jisoo, until now, doesn't know anything about this devious plan and almost everyday she had to witness Irene being too clingy to Lisa whenever they see in the hospital or outside of it, or during their meeting at the restaurant, and Lisa being all-too playful with the older.

It makes Jisoo sick to her stomach, but she kept it in because Lisa has been nothing but a gentle sweet and caring woman towards her. But lately, it has been bothering her since Jennie's words has been popping in her mind regarding the fact that what if Lisa falls in love with another girl, would she be able to stop her because they're a thing??!! The answer is a big fat NO!

And this morning, she didn't hold back her anger when, upon going out of the hospital, all drained and tired, Jisoo saw Lisa in the parking lot talking to Irene. They seemed to have been sharing nice stories since they're both laughing and giggling and all that stuff, while Seulgi waits impatiently to the side for her and Irene to go inside.

When, apparently, Lisa didn't notice her coming closer, she slammed her palm at the back part of her car to inform the two of their presence. That imdeed startled Lisa and Irene, amd had Seulgi thanking her for stepping in.

"Could you unlock the door and can we just go home right now?! I'm so tired and you two are pissing me off.", she angrily barks, forgetting that the other is older than her and her senior at work.

It startled and worried Lisa and so she immediately said her goodbyes to Irene, and for added effect, she even hugged Irene for few seconds. Irene murmured in her ear, "Looks like you're in grave danger. Call me if you need help." Another second into the hug and Jisoo might have broken her car-window.

On the way home, she refused to talk to Lisa and the other is aware of it. She would've done so many things to appease the girl but her meeting with Minnie is so important that she had to postpone wooing Jisoo.

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