Rules to Survive

252K 6.6K 551

1. Focus on your goals.

2. Be wise with your every move. Make your decisions wisely. . Think out of the box. Prioritize the things that matter the most.

3. If things didn't go as you planned always move forward. Don't get stuck with things that can't be undone.

4. Trust others but not too much. Beware of backstabbers.

5. Cooperate with your team. Have someone who will protect you and someone you want to protect.

6. Continue learning. Learn from your mistakes and learn from others. Experience is the best teacher.

7. Take the risks and be brave to face the unknown.

8. Believe in yourself.

9. Don't dare to give up.

10. There's always a reason to smile and a reason to see the next days ahead. ENJOY!

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