What the heck???

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This is it, Lisa has finished giving speech. I walk as fast as I can towards her but she walks faster on the other side of the room to do some chitchats and handshake with the employees. I tried to approach her once more but suddenly a familiar voice call me, "Jennie is that you?", I slowly turn my head and I am not mistaken, it was Jisoo. Then another high pitch voice welcome me, what the heck Jennie is that you?, Rosè said blatantly. "Oh my god, what are you doing here girls? I hugged them tightly as much as I can. Are you working here? Yes, but why I didn't see you earlier? Because this chipmunk here had to do some deposits in the toilet. Ya!, I said sorry for that. It's your fault we are late in this meeting Jisoo said in response. O-okay girls, things never changed you still bicker alot. So how about you, are you also going to work here? Jisoo asks in return. Uh yes apparently, I am also going to work here. Oh wow that's a good news, I guess we could hang out like the old times, Rose said excitedly. Of course I am so excited to hang out with you again. Oh wait, which department are you assigned? Well about that, they said we are both working as a secretary for the meantime but will change after the bosses arrived. Are you sure? Yes, Jisoo said in response. Okay I see, did you pursue your accounting course Jisoo ya? Yes I did. How about you Rosè, did you pursue your dream as a fashion designer? Um, I wasn't able to push that but I finished Interior Designing so somehow it is still related to designs. Well, I bet whatever you do you are still good at it. Uh how about you two team up with me? Jisoo will be the Finance Manager and Rosè will be the Creative Consultant? What??? wait...you mean you are the other boss who came from Italy?, Jisoo asks out of confusion. Uh yes apparently I am that one. Oh my God Jennie, its a pleasure working with you. Rose said excitedly. However, I need to talk it with the other boss first. Oh my god, I remembered Lisa is the other boss. Rosè said blatantly. Ya lower down your voice, the others would think it negatively. Jisoo reminded Rose. Hey about that, are you and Lisa got back together? Rosè asks curiously. Ya papo!, aisssh! She is not Lisa remember, she said it to our face that her name is Priya. Do you know about this Jennie? Um, actually I just also met her earlier. I don't have any idea that I will be working with her. How come you didn't know? Rose shoot another question. Uh , I was hired by JiEun, she's the one who convince me to work here and the offer is good since I will have a chance to showcase my designs, so I grab the opportunity and here I am. So what are your plans? Can you work with someone who is very much look alike of your first love? Well lets see how far I can go with this kind of setup and I'm sure you are here to help me out so lets start working and do some negotiation with the other boss. Okay, lets go!!!

Anyeong blinkeu!!!

Sorry again for keeping you waiting....
Have you watched our girls in Globe Kmmunity? If not yet, please watch it Lisa is very hilarious. Jennie never change and always tease our golden maknae!

Anyways, there is a rumors that Lisa will have her solo in July so lets get ready and support her! That's all thank you for reading!

Please hit the like button (Rosè accent)

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