After Party and Vodka

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Okay, Miss Kim, tell me where are you going to bring us? Hey can you please relax? We are going to the after party! What after party? What are you saying??? Uh, Miss Manoban the after party of this event of yours, that's where we going. Rosè butt in. What do you mean? Is that necessary? Of course, for us to maintain this business and get more client we need this after party. Besides, this is a fashion show, an after party is a must. Jisoo added. Okay okay, I get your point now, make sure you have made this party very much secure. We have many high profile clients Miss Kim. Of course my fri-I mean Miss Manoban I have already thought of that, I made sure that the security is tight and the event is very much private. Okay, where is the location? I'll just meet you there. Uh uh Miss Manoban, we are going to the place together, the four of us! What do you mean? I mean we are gonna have some fun and none of you will drive your own car. Oh no I'm not going to drink, don't be a kill joy we need this, we need to have some fun for a while. Kim Jisoo I don't want any scandal, again our clients are very high profile. Who's gonna watch them if we are going to get drunk? That's not a problem okay, I already clear that up and everything is in place. You better be sure Jisoo, this is our first event and I don't want it to be ruin or else Jen- I mean Miss Kim brand will be tainted. Oh c'mon don't be a pessimist, of course we all want the best for Jennie and Lesyeux. Alright alright lets go!

As we reach and enter the car, Jennie started to speak. Before we get to the event, I would like to say thank you to all of you. Uh wifey, I don't want to cry, Rose said in response to Jennie. You don't have to thank us Jen, we are paid to help you by this woman beside me. We should be thankful to you, because if its not because of you and your creations, there will be no LM Fashion and Lesyeux to begin with. Ya! Stop! Rosè said to stop Jisoo. Just kidding, but thats true. I'm actually also thankful to Miss Manoban because she has given us the opportunity to work here, you know we've been struggling to find a job for the past 4 months and LM Fashion is a blessings to us. Jisoo added when she speaks and look directly to Priya. Any words Miss Manoban? Priya sigh and starts to speak, please don't. I should be the one thanking you all for working hard and making this project successful. And don't think too high of me because its all because of your skills, just think that I'm just an instrument to make your dreams come true. But I have a request to make when we are outside of the office, I would like to impose you calling me on my first name. Are we clear about that? The three girls were in silence, Priya clears her throat again. Am I clear with my request women? Uh of course Priya! Jisoo excitedly response while Rosè and Jennie nodded shyly.

As we enter the venue, we were welcome by a loud music. Everyone is hype up and dancing to Sexy Girl. Jisoo inform the DJ that we arrive and get the attention of the crowd to welcome us. Everyone lets welcome the presence of the owner of the LM Fashion Miss Priya Manoban and the beautiful designer of Lesyeux Miss Jennie Kim. The crowd applaud and shout to hype up the two. Priya sign Jennie to speak first, and Jennie move in front. Hi everyone, again I just want to thank you for supporting us and coming to this event. Lets enjoy this night and have some fun! Jennie said and shyly gave the mic to Priya. Hello everyone, I don't have nothing much to say as said by Miss Kim, we are very grateful to have you here tonight and for the support you have given us and to end our success tonight, lets have fun and enjoy the night together!. Priya shout out to hype the crowd and the crowd applaud while the other are whistling and shout at the top of their lungs. The music carry on and Malamente was played on.

The two went down on the stage and join Jisoo and Rosè in the VIP area, many has visited their lounge to congratulate them and discuss some business but Priya politely decline them as they want to enjoy this night and continue the business on the other day. Many investors shows interest to invest in and bring the brand to Paris. Jennie is overwhelmed with the feedback but there's only one thing in her mind right now and that is to talk to Priya and to say how grateful she is. After almost 2 hours of talking with the investors, my phone ring and it was Bam. I excuse myself to them to answer the call but while I'm walking away I saw someone approach Jennie but I didn't have a chance to see who is it since he is facing his back from me.

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