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I wake up before the sun is up, after an hour of failing to fall back to my dreamless sleep I was done pretending.

I sit up and look around the room, my eyes land on the only photo I managed to save from my home. The edges were burned, but overall it was alright.

Even in the darkness, I could see the smiles of my family. I watched my father die and felt my mother and baby siblings' presence disappear.

I push back the memories and get dressed, aside from the photo I managed to find an old photo album of the family, a box of scrolls, three masks, and some journals my parents kept in a box at the back of their closet.

I also took some tokens from siblings things, reminders of who they are.

Were. Reminders of who they were. Past tense, Yuki. Nothing is as it was.

I get up and get dressed in the dark before slipping out to an empty training area. I want to train alone for a bit. I wanted to try and get more understanding of my newfound abilities.

On the second day of the attack, I lost my father when they broke through the front lines with water and ice users. My father was killed in a barrage of ice spears.

Kai avoided the incoming attacks but got flanked by six ninjas. I used my chains to kill the two who were shooting ice at me.

My younger sister took down one of Kai's attackers as Kai managed to turn one enemy against his allies before trapping them with a seal. When he used a water seal to flood the area, I grabbed him and my sister in time to avoid another attack.

A few scratches, and a foot injury later we were in the town square where people were screaming for civilians to run and shouting about what fronts needed help. I shouted that the north entrance to the riverfront was being overtaken.

As we make our way past the candy store I set off an exploding tag when someone who isn't from this village steps on it they'll trigger them all.

We rush past the bodies, the enemy had infiltrated the city already.

"Aunt Fu!" Shiroi notices our aunt lying on the floor in front of us.

She rushes to her only to stop when she gets there, "Shiroi?" Kai asks as our sister falls to her knees.

"Aunt Fu," she whispers as she reaches for our aunt's face.

She stops as her face turns in horror, "shirori what's wrong?" Kai asks as he shuffles the weight of me on his shoulders.

"Let me go. I can heal while we are here," I say as Shirori goes quiet.

He sets me down in a kneeling position and heads over to Shiroi as I bite into my hand and start drinking my chakra to heal faster.

"Yuki," Kai calls me and I follow his eyes to a slap of concrete where a body lays.

A body with no head took me a minute to realize the familiar clothes were my aunts' daily wear.

"She didn't even see it coming," I mutter before I realize my aunt is never alone. I started to look around; she had three young children and always cared for the neighbor kids.

A few yards in front of her was a small shoe, I noticed the large bolder behind it was sitting in a pile of blood.

The small hand coming out of the left side made my stomach turn.

I held back vomit as I noticed the rest of the limbs.

"Let's get moving," I say as I finish healing.

"Do you think the others are dead too?" Shiori asks as I stare down the small limbs coming from that rock.

Did she die first or was she forced to watch her children be murdered before then took her life?

"If they saw their mother go down they probably fled," I say instead.

"It's our turn to flee Shirori, we've done what we can," Kai squeezes her shoulder and helps her up.

We continue down back roads to avoid being seen, I don't have enough chakra to conceal us and fight a winning fight.

We rush down another alley nearing the waterfront again, "if we get into the forest we can run for it. The Leaf Village is our ally -"

"Every village is here you believe the Leaf isn't involved?" Shirori speaks up.

I look at Kai and question him too, "we are-" I cut him off this time.

"Were. We were the greatest alliance, it's why we're being attacked, Kai. If the Leaf isn't involved then there's been a major communication blackout to them," Kai looks at me trying to argue.

"It's been three days Kai. Help would have arrived by now," Shiroi speaks up.

"Then we flee to a smaller country. It doesn't matter as long as we get out of here," He responds and we nod in agreement.

It doesn't matter where we go, as long as we survive.

"Let's go. The coast is clear," Shiori says after scouting for a few minutes.

We rush down the burning road only to get stopped by screaming women begging. "They're just children! Please they're children!" I turn to run from the scene.

"Shiroi no!" Kai shouts to stop me from moving.

"Shiroi you're going to die with them!" I shout after her.

Twelve ninjas against two civilians and thirteen children will never end well.

"Yuki?" I hear someone call me.


I come to and my chains automatically activated, as I turn to see who's called me, a chain goes past his head.

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