13: Chūnin Exam Part II

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She gives us a quick summary of how to pass the second portion of the exam and tells us not to get ourselves killed. We can call it quite by firing a flare into the sky.

Some of the other things in the maze include wild animals, traps, and raw food like fish, rabbits, and berries. Some of those berries might be poisons so she hopes we know the difference.She looks at us and tells us to begin, the maze openings crumble and we rush in.

"Shall we see what the view from above?" Koga nods and we jump up and the maze only goes on forever in a purple murky sky.

"A powerful Genjutsu." I look at Shisui.

"So can you- of course, you can." He smiles at me.

"If I do that then we'll be giving them an advantage too."

"I'm okay with that. Are you okay with that Koga?" He shrugs.

"We'll be fine either way, since we know it's just an illusion," he activates his Byakugan and looks around at me.

"See anything?" I ask and he sighs before saying so far the teams he sees don't have the matching scroll.

"Ninjas to the right. Watch out for their attacks!" I say and we jump to avoid their Kunai.

"Below three rows down." Koga asks, I throw a kunai star to force them out.

"I got them." Shisui traps them in a Genjutsu.

They fall down and we search their things for the scroll.

"Not ours, I'll just leave it here for someone to find," I comment as I get back up after trapping them in a paraylizing seal.

"Let's hope it rains, that's the only way this seals coming off," I mutter as I put away the ink bottle.

"Let's get going then." Koga runs ahead of us and I nod and we take off.

"Why would you on purposely make a seal that can be washed away?" Koga asks me.

"Because if they can't escape they'll be trapped there for days, until the Exam Proctors come to check the maze," Koga mutters that it's their fault for getting trapped in the first place I roll my eyes at him as we keep going.

By dawn we take down four teams, none had our scroll pair.

"Maybe we should just keep the ones we find and hope we get a pair to one of them." Koga smiles at my words and raises a small pile of scrolls.

"Why do you think I've been keeping the ones from the teams we defeat." He says as he shows us the scrolls as if they were his tokens of victory.

Shisui looks at him, "you did what?!" Koga smile broadens and I laugh.

"What are we going to do for dinner?" I ask as my stomach growls.

"There's a small river by the maze opening over there. Maybe there's fish." I smile as Koga undoes his Byakugan once he tells me there is. I get up and head to the small river.

After a few minutes of silence, I sense three ninjas rounding the corner. I lower the make-shift rod and quickly set up a trap. They get stuck in the seal, half way through their cursing they go still.

"I was getting to that." Shisui smiles as he walks up to me.

"I do it faster." I roll my eyes at him as he walks up to me as Koga walks out the maze.

"We can't just leave them here, so close to our base," Koga ties them up and send them down the shallow river.

"They can drown," I speak up as he wipes his hands clean.

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