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I walk out of the tent I'm in and I notice there are ninjas all over the place moving supplies around.

Everyone is busy tearing down the camp, I feel unnecessary here, and I make my way out of the camp since I will be leaving with them. I make my way to an old hilltop I used to come to watch the sun reflect on the sunscrapers.

Uzushiogakure would no longer be my home, I would be moving in with my grandparents in the Leaf.

I've only ever visited the Leaf and now I'll be living there calling myself a civilian of the Leaf Village.

A cough draws me back, I turn and see a blue-haired boy trying to get my attention.

"You alright?" I nod and look back out.

"My village was full of skyscrapers, now look at it. Just pieces of stone. I can't believe I survived and they didn't," I hug my knees.

"Sometimes we don't get to pick what happens, we do what we can with what we are given," he says.

"And you gave everything and you had enough to hold on till we got here," He says Yuki snorts.

"You should have let me die, I would be with my family instead I'm without them," I say softly.

"If you didn't want to survive you wouldn't have still been trying to flee," his words snap me out of my sorrow.

He's right I didn't want to die, everything hurt and my chakra was spent, I was blind in the left eye and my right leg was badly burned. But I kept moving.

I had used all my chakra concealing us, by the time we reached the forest I was grateful Kai was the fast one of us two and could carry me on his back.

Had i known it was causing the poison to spread faster I wouldn't have let him carry me.

"Why did you bury these two here?" The young boy asks.

"It's the best spot for sunsets," I look at the ruins of my home.

"Back - when there was building -" Yuki breaks down.

"It's all gone," she cries before she hugs herself and says goodbye.

The ninja places a hand on her shoulders, "You have lost your family, and that pain will never truly go away. The Leaf will offer you a new life one that can solace for your future."

"I don't want want solace I want a chance to right this wrong. I know war is coming and I want my part in it," I wipe the tears and he helps me up.

"I'm guessing we are leaving,"

I followed the Leaf Ninjas to the Leaf and once checked by another set of doctors I was released to my grandparents by noon.

"We got you a few things but we can go back to the market and get you more. Though you do need a new outfit, you can't use the set of clothes you had. So I figured we go get you a new outfit then go grab lunch." I nod not wanting to disagree. The baggy long sleeve and pants were plain but fine.

We head into town and I notice no one else is red-haired, I look at my grandparents and their black hair. It's just me now.

No there's another. But just one other.

Before I could get sad we arrived at the clothing store and we made our way inside.

My size was at the back of the store, the only benefit of smelling the mixture of mothballs and cardboard we were right by the dressing rooms so I was able to try more than plenty.

A few outfits I tried on I'm sure they did just to get me to laugh. One was an outfit very similar to my grandmother's.

"I hear it's very popular Yuki," I laughed and told her she was selling to the wrong age group and tried the dark blue jumpsuit she found me.

The jumpsuit had a low back and cut off at mid thigh with puffy shorts. I look down at the puffy shorts, I liked that detail.

"I think high boots would look best with this," I say loudly as I look for the jacket under all the maybe outfits.

I find it under the red two piece I had just taken off. The jacket and shorts weren't a nice combo.

I slip on the dark blue, off-shoulder jacket. It had three pockets on the front and one on each sleeve.

"Oh, I like that one the best!" My grandfather speaks up and I agree.

The shopkeeper hands me high-top boots and socks. I put them and head to the mirror.

"I think that one is it Yuki hun," I nod in agreement and we walk out with my new outfit on.

They take me to a BBQ place and we eat so much that I need a moment before we can walk around to get familiar with the area.

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