10: Mission Impossible

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We arrive at the farmlands and an elder man was waiting for us. "Are you the ninjas we requested?" A woman comes to help him up from his rocking chair.

"We are, I'm Izuko and this is my team." Izuko Sensei and the old woman shake hands as she begins explaining about the wild boars that are causing trouble in the farmlands.

A woman screams, "get away from my tomatoes!" We bolt after the scream and a large brown boar was wasting away a crate of tomatoes.

"Earth Style: Earth Pillar." Ryko sends the boar flying a few feet and it falls on it's back.

"Ryko can you create a path out of the village?" He nods and does as he asks. It runs into the forest and I catch it with the Adamantine Chain before using a paralyzing seal to keep them from moving. Four more pop up and I do the same thing before dragging them out of the village.

"Alright, Ryko you create a large pin descending a few feet into the ground at a steep angle. Eiji you make a large ruckus to lure the boars to you. Yuki and Ryko you two round up any and all strangers and I'll immobilize them once they're in the pin." We nod as I add the five boars I have to the bottom of the pin Ryko created, with a steep entrance on one side and three extra high walls to ensure they stay in. We rush off into the village and Eiji borrows some pots and pans to bang together. I create multiple Shadow clones and we take the east side of the village.

Eiji starts banging the pans as he runs down the center of the village, and the boars start running towards the sound. Whatever boars I find I pin them down with Adamantine Chains before paralyzing them, Ryko is to come around and move them once we got them all.

"The last of them are on their way to Eiji now," Ryko call Sensei Izuko through the earpiece. I go around my area looking for any more stragglers. I find three more, and I take them down

Despite Minato's pause for concern, I've been trying to expand on my Scorch Style.

"My sides clear!" I run back to the pin and Eiji is out cold by the entrance.

"What happened to him?" Ryko who was looking after Eiji while not trying to laugh speaks up.

"He fell into his slip n slide and the boars crashed right into him. Then he got caught in the crossfire of Izuko Sensei's Paralyzing technique."

"Oh sorry Eiji." His eyes move to look at me.

"Oh, that's creepy," I say as I step away from him and look at the boar fill pin.

"How many are there?" I ask as I step away from the boar pit.

"Old man Kin said twenty-nine," Ryko says as he looks into the pin.

"There's only twenty-eight." Eiji starts grunting and we tell him we have no clue what he's trying to say.

"Alright, I'll stay here with Eiji and the boar. You two go catch the last one." Izuko Sensei speaks up.

"Yes, sir." Ryko and I were on our way to the fields when we hear a scream comes from across the small village.

"Follow the scream?" I ask and he nods, "follow the scream." He confirms and we bolt.

"You go left and I'll go right. We'll corner it and force it to go towards the pin." I nod and we split up. "Wind Style: Wind Cutter! He's headed your way!" I yell as the boar rushes away from me.

"Earth Style: earth wall!" Ryko blocks its path and he turns and heads towards the field. "No not the corn!" I shout.

"Earth Style: Earth pillars." Ryko raises the ground near the corn and the boar halts and turns once more.

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