23: Pieces

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The next day we come across more ninjas and close combat was the only way to keep our location hidden. A cloud ninja jumps over me, I quickly recognize him. I push the ninja in front of me away and pull the man that jumped over me back to me.

"I want to see the day you killed my clan." I grab his head and pull out his soul. I'm certain this is how I saw the other man's memories. I fall into his memories and I quickly arrive at the day my village was destroyed

"That's everyone." The woman didn't even need to turn around for me to know who she was.

"Mom." I reach out, for her to only fall through me, she wipes her hands as the last of the children make it through the crawl space she just covered.

"Now let's catch up to Yuki and get the girls out this place." She turns to look at my dad.

"Mom. Just run. Mom," I beg as I look at her.

The Uzushiogakure goes up in flames and my mom screams, my father holds her back, "we have to be smart about this, we have to avoid the flames and go through the aqueduct, or well burn."

"It's not the flames thats going to kill you." The guy I'm stealing memories from lunges forward, my dad shoves my mom aside and the ninja drives his tanto through my dad's stomach.

"Dad!" I scream as my mom yells for my dad.

My mother uses the Adamantine Chains and keeps him back. She surrounds the whole forest and keeps other Cloud ninjas away. She lowers herself and puts her wrist to my dad's lips, he quickly heals.

"Go. Get the others to safety. Find our children and get them out of here. I'll hold them off here. Go and find our children. They're not dead, Yuki would never let his sister's get hurt. Go." My father hesitates.

"This barrier is unpenatrable, so go." He nods before rushing back into the village.

Another ninja appears then, and quickly pulls my mom into his arms, a kunai against there throat, "lower the barrier or I'll kill you."

My mom doesn't hesitate, "you'll kill me anyways, at least this way the others still have a chance," he grows and stabs my mom in the chest.

"The hard way I guess,"

They stay there over looking my mom until the blood loss was too much and the barrier she created with the Adamantine Chains collapse. "Mom no. Come on wake up, mom wake up."

I kneel down beside her as long as I could before the memory forces me to follow him. He hunts down other Uzumaki's as I'm forced to follow behind him. I watch as my clan is killed and I wanted to scream. I want this to end.

I feel arms around me and someone pulls me free from the nightmare. "Yuki!"

Shisui pulls me free and looks at me, "Yuki!" My legs give out.

"Shisui get her out of here!" Shisui nods and picks me up and flickers away. He sets me down and I push myself away.

"Yuki-" I cut him off.

"I'm fine." I trip on my feet, and fall on my hands and knees.

"Yuki, you're not okay." He kneels in front of me.

I look at him, "I will be. Once I find out more." He looks at me.

"Yuki you can't even fight straight and you want to know more?" He asks.

"Yes." He sits in front of me, "why? Why are you torturing yourself like this? Yuki you don't need to know every gruesome moment of that awful day." I sit back.

"I do." I clench onto the grass.

"Why?" The tears I've been holding back come forward and fall down.

"Because I'm tired of being the only one. I can't be the only one who survived. Maybe they saw something, maybe one of their memories can tell me if anyone other than me survived. Maybe they can tell me if I'm not alone." I spill.

"Yuki." He tries to hug me and I push him away.

"I don't need comfort I need answers." I get up and wipe the tears and rush back to the battle.

Each ninja I catch leads me to another ninja who has a slightly different view. Sometimes I have the same memories replayed over and over just from different angles.

Eventually, I accidentally find one of the men who killed my brother and tried to kill me, I watch as I destroy everything around me, that must have been when my eyes first manifested themselves.

I pull out his soul and give it to the King of Death. This hasn't done anything other than hurt me even more. "Yuki?" I look at Minato.

"I'm fine."

He raises a cooked fish, "I wanted to ask if you wanted to eat." I shake my head and teleport away from the camp.

"Go away Shisui."

I hear a chuckle as Koga lands next to me, "would have thought you'd know it was me." He sits beside me.

"Please leave me alone Koga. I just want to be alone." I say as I return to resting my head in my raised knees.

"Yuki you're not alone here." I hug my knees. Since I started stealing souls for memories everyone has been certain I'll fall apart and hurt everyone around me. They have both seen what I can do when I lose control, "I'm not a ticking time bomb. I just need space. Tell Shisui and Minato to stop worrying I'm not going to hurt anybody."

Koga chuckles, "you still don't see it do you?" I look at him.

"See what?" He smiles at me, "he's not worried you're hurt someone, he's worried you'll hurt yourself, you can't hold it all in Yuki, there's nothing wrong with letting it out."

He smiles and bumps my shoulder with his, "maybe one day you'll see it. People care about you Yuki. You haven't been alone and you never will be again. The Leaf is full of people who care for you."

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